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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010370mantisbtcustom fieldspublic2019-12-03 05:41
Reporterjonathh Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0010370: Max field length not respected.

I applied a max field length for a custom field of a string to 1024 (default of 256) when i enter my text i can indeed enter more characters but when you submit it is truncated.

Also the default value field isn't updated so you couldn't have a 1025 charactor long default value?

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related to 0008518 closedgrangeway Enumerated Custom Field limited to 255 
related to 0026141 closedcproensa Use max length property of custom field in inputs 




2009-04-22 10:15

reporter   ~0021625

"It's not a bug, it's a feature..."

Custom fields are unable to have maximum lengths longer than 255 due to the way the custem field schema has been designed/defined. Some database types do not support VARCHAR fields longer than 255 characters, and for some reason MantisBT chose to use a VARCHAR field rather than a TEXT field. I would disagree with that decision, but that's just how it is, unless Paul/Daryn decides to fix that inn their eventual updates to custom fields...



2009-04-24 09:18

reporter   ~0021657

Man.. that sucks.

Is it hard to change the schema? Would the code that wraps around it need changing? - I think maybe not as everything else respects the size it is just truncated on POST.

We wanted to use it to store a 'client name' drop down. We wont get many clients in a list with that sort of limitation!



2009-10-09 10:26

reporter   ~0023111

Is this a duplicate of 0008518 ?



2009-10-27 04:10

manager   ~0023394

@jonathh, the following wiki page should help you to achieve what you need. Let us know if it works for you.



2009-10-27 04:24

reporter   ~0023399

@vboctor: Which wiki page do you mean?
This one is empty: