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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012129mantisbtadministrationpublic2014-09-23 18:05
ReporterKarlReichert Assigned Todregad  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.2.1 
Target Version1.2.11Fixed in Version1.2.11 
Summary0012129: workflow transition to status reopened is always checked for some status on workflow transition page

I'm using custom status values.
I configured status "solved" to be the status, where an issue is considered to be resolved. Following this status, the status "tested" is the next status in my workflow, and finally status "closed". I configured in the "workflow transitions" page, that a transition to status "reopened" is only possible from status "closed", not from any other status. When I check the Configuration Report, I can see, this configuration is stored correct in the database (please see the attachment "status_enum_workflow.png"; transition to 20, i.e. reopened, is only possible from 90, i.e. closed).

However, if I now go to the "Workflow Transitions" page, the transition to "reopened" is checked from status "solved", "tested" and "closed" (please see the attachment "workflow_transitions.png"). If I do not save anything on this page and go back to the configuration report, I can see, that still everything is configured as before, i.e. the configuration is not changed.

So the problem is, when opening the page "workflow transitions", MantisBT always sets transitions from the state configured to be considered as resolved to the status configured to be considered as reopened, no matter what is stored in the database. This does not break my configuration, as long as I don't save anything on page "Workflow transitions" or if I uncheck those transitions every time, before saving. But it's quite annoying and misleading.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
status_enum_workflow.png (16,854 bytes)   
status_enum_workflow.png (16,854 bytes)   
workflow_transitions.png (45,563 bytes)   
workflow_transitions.png (45,563 bytes)   


related to 0015721 closedgrangeway Functionality to consider porting to master-2.0.x 
related to 0011661 closeddregad "closed issue become readonly" doesn't work 




2012-04-04 11:50

developer   ~0031597

I can confirm this behavior and will commit a patch later on



2012-04-05 05:11

developer   ~0031599

This should now be resolved. Please download a nightly build and test, and let me know if you discover any issues with the fix.

Note: in master/1.3, manage_config_workflow_page.php failed to load due to an error caused by type mismatch while calling the check_checked() function. Commit [1] fixes this.




2012-04-15 12:31

reporter   ~0031657

Thanks for the patch . I took over the Mantis tasks from Karl in our company and so I'm going to check this at the end of cw 16 or in cw 17. But I can't check for 1.3, because I currently don't have an 1.3 installation. I'm going to let you know, if your patch is fixing the problem for me.



2012-04-23 03:09

reporter   ~0031702

Thanks again, works for me on 1.2.5 and 1.2.8. As I already said, not tested on 1.3.



2012-04-23 04:04

developer   ~0031703

Thanks for your testing and confirmation. And don't worry about 1.3.
Have a nice day !

2012-06-05 10:36

reporter   ~0032021

Hi Dregad.

Maybe the same thing in 1.2.10? I still have the same problem above with other user.
Sorry by comment, but I'm neewbe in report bugs here.

I'm using 1.2.10.
How i fix that?

Ps: Image in attatchment.



2012-06-05 11:01

developer   ~0032022, the issue is marked as fixed in version 1.2.x.
This means it will be fixed in next stable version 1.2.11 (expected to be released in a few days)
If you can't wait, you can try a nightly build

2012-06-05 12:25

reporter   ~0032023

Ok! Thankyou very much Atrol!



2013-04-05 17:57

reporter   ~0036280

Marking as 'acknowledged' not resolved/closed to track that change gets ported to master-2.0.x branch

Related Changesets

MantisBT: master 7e7ba3d9

2012-04-04 04:44


Details Diff
Fix workflow transition to status reopened always checked

In manage_config_workflow_page.php, the code was always showing the
'reopened' states as checked regardless of the actual values stored in
the database.

This was due to storing the 'reopened' label within the array of values
used to build the table to display, which consequently were always set.

The code that initializes the labels has been removed from function
parse_workflow(), and the logic is now handled directly in show_flag(),
with globally initialized variables for better performance.

Fixes 0012129
Affected Issues
mod - core/workflow_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_config_workflow_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 08b00de0

2012-04-04 04:44


Details Diff
Fix workflow transition to status reopened always checked

In manage_config_workflow_page.php, the code was always showing the
'reopened' states as checked regardless of the actual values stored in
the database.

This was due to storing the 'reopened' label within the array of values
used to build the table to display, which consequently were always set.

The code that initializes the labels has been removed from function
parse_workflow(), and the logic is now handled directly in show_flag(),
with globally initialized variables for better performance.

Fixes 0012129
Affected Issues
mod - manage_config_workflow_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 052606d2

2012-04-04 05:53


Details Diff
Fix type check error in manage_config_workflow_page.php

Strict type check in function check_selected() caused an error comparing
false with the status level, so replaced with 0
Affected Issues
mod - manage_config_workflow_page.php Diff File