Dependency Graph

Dependency Graph
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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002710mantisbtbugtrackerpublic2012-09-03 13:09
Reporterupdater Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0002710: Make Mantis into a CHANGE tracker instead of just a BUG tracker

Features/Changes are inherintly different from Bugs, but with small changes you could make Mantis handle features in a NICE WAY (not like the pseudosolution now, where severity = feature and reproducibility = N/A).

I suggest splitting bugs and features without changing the database design. Just add a changetype field (= bug or feature), and remove/add some fields to the two different views.

Features don't need reproducibility or severity, but it's very important to show who requested the featured (usually the customer). You can also do a time estimate and then let the customer accept the change... Just brainstorming here, someone stop me!

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Attached Files
strings_english.txt (36,123 bytes)   
	# Mantis - a php based bugtracking system
	# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito -
	# Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004  Mantis Team   -
	# This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GPL
	# See the README and LICENSE files for details

	# English: Kenzaburo Ito,
	# English strings for Mantis
	# -------------------------------------------------
	# $Revision: 1.159 $
	# $Author: narcissus $
	# $Date: 2004/04/03 20:18:42 $
	# $Id: strings_english.txt,v 1.159 2004/04/03 20:18:42 narcissus Exp $
# Charset
$s_charset = 'iso-8859-1';

# Group commands menuitems
$s_actiongroup_menu_move = 'Move';
$s_actiongroup_menu_assign = 'Assign';
$s_actiongroup_menu_close = 'Close';
$s_actiongroup_menu_delete = 'Delete';
$s_actiongroup_menu_resolve = 'Resolve';
$s_actiongroup_menu_update_priority = 'Update Priority';
$s_actiongroup_menu_update_status = 'Update Status';

# new strings:
$s_all_projects = 'All Projects';
$s_move_bugs = 'Move Issues';
$s_operation_successful = 'Operation successful.';
$s_date_order = 'Date Order';
$s_print_all_bug_page_link = 'Print Reports';
$s_csv_export = 'CSV Export';
$s_login_anonymously = 'Login Anonymously';
$s_anonymous = 'Anonymous';
$s_jump_to_bugnotes = 'Jump to Notes';
$s_public_project_msg = 'This project is PUBLIC.  All users have access.';
$s_private_project_msg = 'This project is PRIVATE.  Only administrators and manually added users have access.';
$s_access_level_project = 'Project Access Level';
$s_view_submitted_bug_link = 'View Submitted Issue';
$s_assigned_projects = 'Assigned Projects';
$s_unassigned_projects = 'Unassigned Projects';
$s_print = 'Print';
$s_jump = 'Jump';
$s_copy_users = 'Copy Users';
$s_copy_categories_from = 'Copy Categories From';
$s_copy_categories_to = 'Copy Categories To';
$s_bug_history = 'Issue History';
$s_field = 'Field';
$s_old_value = 'Old Value';
$s_new_value = 'New Value';
$s_date_modified = 'Date Modified';
$s_bugnote = 'Note';
$s_change = 'Change';
$s_bugnote_view_state = 'Note View State';
$s_bug_monitor = 'Issue Monitored';
$s_bug_end_monitor = 'Issue End Monitor';
$s_announcement = 'Announcement';
$s_stays_on_top = 'Stays on Top';
$s_delete_bugnote_button = 'Delete Note';
$s_delete_bugnote_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this note?';
$s_bug_relationships = 'Relationships';
$s_empty_password_sure_msg = 'The user has an empty password.  Are you sure that is what you want?';
$s_empty_password_button = 'Use Empty Password';

$s_duplicate_of = 'duplicate of %id';
$s_has_duplicate = 'has duplicate %id';
$s_related_to = 'related to %id';
$s_dependant_on = 'dependant on %id';
$s_blocks = 'blocks %id';

$s_new_bug = 'New Issue';
$s_bugnote_added = 'Note Added';
$s_bugnote_edited = 'Note Edited';
$s_bugnote_deleted = 'Note Deleted';
$s_summary_updated = 'Summary Updated';
$s_description_updated = 'Description Updated';
$s_additional_information_updated = 'Additional Information Updated';
$s_steps_to_reproduce_updated = 'Steps to Reproduce Updated';
$s_file_added = 'File Added';
$s_file_deleted = 'File Deleted';
$s_bug_deleted = 'Issue Deleted';

$s_make_private = 'Make Private';
$s_make_public = 'Make Public';

$s_create_new_project_link = 'Create New Project';

$s_login_link = 'Login';

# bug_actiongroup_page.php : mass treatment
$s_bug_actiongroup_failed = 'You did not have appropriate permissions to perform that action on the following issues: ';
$s_close_bugs_conf_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to close these issues?';
$s_delete_bugs_conf_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete these issues?';
$s_move_bugs_conf_msg = 'Move issues to';
$s_assign_bugs_conf_msg = 'Assign issues to';
$s_resolve_bugs_conf_msg = 'Choose issues resolution';
$s_priority_bugs_conf_msg = 'Choose issues priority';
$s_status_bugs_conf_msg = 'Choose issues status';
$s_close_group_bugs_button = 'Close Issues' ;
$s_delete_group_bugs_button = 'Delete Issues' ;
$s_move_group_bugs_button = 'Move Issues' ;
$s_assign_group_bugs_button = 'Assign Issues' ;
$s_resolve_group_bugs_button = 'Resolve Issues' ;
$s_priority_group_bugs_button = 'Update Priority' ;
$s_status_group_bugs_button = 'Update Status' ;

# improved JPgraphs strings
$s_graph_imp_status_title = 'Synthesis graphs by status' ;
$s_graph_imp_priority_title = 'Synthesis graphs by priority' ;
$s_graph_imp_severity_title = 'Synthesis graphs by severity';
$s_graph_imp_category_title = 'Synthesis graphs by category';
$s_graph_imp_resolution_title = 'Synthesis graphs by resolution';
$s_by_status_pct = 'by status percentage';
$s_by_priority_pct = 'by priority percentage';
$s_by_severity_pct = 'by severity percentage';
$s_by_category_pct = 'by category percentage';
$s_by_resolution_pct = 'by resolution percentage';
$s_by_severity_mix = 'by severity and status';
$s_by_priority_mix = 'by priority and status';
$s_by_resolution_mix = 'by resolution and status';
$s_synthesis_link = 'Synthesis';
$s_status_link = 'Per state';
$s_priority_link = 'Per priority';
$s_severity_link = 'Per severity';
$s_category_link = 'Per category';
$s_resolution_link = 'Per resolution';

# print_all_bug_page.php : display selected bugs
$s_hide_button = 'Display selected only';

# print_all_bug_options.php : printing preferences
$s_printing_preferences_title = 'Choose fields to print';
$s_printing_options_link = 'Printing Options';

# word and excel export
$s_bugnote_title = 'Note handler' ;
$s_bugnote_date = 'Date of note';
$s_bugnote_description = 'Note description';

$s_error_no_proceed = 'Please use the "Back" button in your web browser to return to the previous page.  There you can correct whatever problems were identified in this error or select another action.  You can also click an option from the menu bar to go directly to a new section.';

# ERROR strings
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GENERIC] = 'An error occurred during this action.  You may wish to report this error to your local administrator.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SQL] = 'SQL error detected.  Please report this to ';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_REPORT] = 'There was an error in your report.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DISALLOWED] = 'The file type is disallowed';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NO_DIRECTORY] = 'The directory does not exist. Please check the project settings.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE] = 'This is a duplicate file.  Please delete the file first.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_PROJECT] = 'A project with that name already exists.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD] = 'A necessary field was empty.  Please recheck your inputs.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROTECTED_ACCOUNT] = 'This account is protected.  You are not allowed to access this until the account protection is lifted.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_UPLOAD_FAILURE] = 'File upload failed.  PHP file uploads may be disabled.  Please ask your admin to run the admin_check script to debug this problem.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG] = 'File upload failed.  This is likely because the filesize was larger than is currently allowed by this PHP installation.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_VAR_NOT_FOUND] = 'A required parameter to this page was not found.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = 'That username is already being used.  Please go back and select another one.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_NOT_FOUND] = 'Configuration option \'%s\' not found.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_FIELD_NOT_FOUND] = 'Database field \'%s\' not found.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FTP_CONNECT_ERROR]	 = 'Unable to connect to FTP server.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = 'A project with that name already exists.  Please go back and enter a different name.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_INVALID] = 'Invalid project name specified.  Project names cannot be blank.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_AUTH_INVALID_COOKIE] = 'The login information stored by your browser is invalid.  Perhaps your account was deleted?';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_PREFS_NOT_FOUND] = 'Preferences could not be found for this user.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NEWS_NOT_FOUND]	 = 'News item not found.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH] = 'Password does not match verification.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_EXPECTED]	 = 'An array was expected but a string was received.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_UNEXPECTED] = 'A string was expected but an array was received.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_NOT_FOUND]	 = 'Issue %d not found.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED]	 = 'File type not allowed for uploads.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE]	 = 'This is a duplicate file.  Please delete the file first.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_INVALID_UPLOAD_PATH] = 'Invalid upload path.  Directory either does not exist or not writable to webserver';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_DUPLICATE_SELF]	 = 'You cannot set an issue as a duplicate of itself.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_IN_USE] = 'At least one project still uses this field.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_UPDATE_FAILED]	 = 'LDAP Record Update has failed.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_RESOLVED_ACTION_DENIED] = 'The action cannot be performed because the issue has been resolved';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_CONNECT_FAILED]	 = 'Database connection failed. Error received from database was #%d: %s';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED]	 = 'Database query failed.  Error received from database was #%d: %s for the query: %s';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_SELECT_FAILED]	 = 'Database selection failed.  Error received from database was #%d: %s';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_DUPLICATE] = 'A category with that name already exists.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_NO_ACTION] = 'No copy action was specified.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_VERSION_DUPLICATE] = 'A version with that name already exists.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_INVALID] = 'The username is invalid. Usernames may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, and underscores.';
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_REQ_ACCESS] = 'User does not have required access level';

$s_login_error = 'ERROR: your account may be disabled or the username/password you entered is incorrect.';
$s_login_cookies_disabled = 'ERROR: Your browser either doesn\'t know how to handle cookies, or refuses to handle them.';

# General Strings
$s_go_back = 'Go Back';
$s_proceed = 'Click here to proceed';

$s_switch = 'Switch';
$s_logged_in_as = 'Logged in as';

$s_prefix_for_deleted_users = 'user';

$s_administrator = 'administrator';
$s_myself = "Myself";

# Enum Strings
$s_access_levels_enum_string = '10:viewer,25:reporter,40:updater,55:developer,70:manager,90:administrator';
$s_project_status_enum_string = '10:development,30:release,50:stable,70:obsolete';
$s_project_view_state_enum_string = '10:public,50:private';
$s_view_state_enum_string = '10:public,50:private';

$s_priority_enum_string = '10:none,20:low,30:normal,40:high,50:urgent,60:immediate';
$s_severity_enum_string = '10:feature,20:trivial,30:text,40:tweak,50:minor,60:major,70:crash,80:block';
$s_reproducibility_enum_string = '10:always,30:sometimes,50:random,70:have not tried,90:unable to duplicate,100:N/A';
$s_status_enum_string = '10:new,20:feedback,30:acknowledged,40:confirmed,50:assigned,80:resolved,90:closed';
$s_resolution_enum_string = '10:open,20:fixed,30:reopened,40:unable to duplicate,50:not fixable,60:duplicate,70:not an issue,80:suspended,90:won\'t fix';
$s_projection_enum_string = '10:none,30:tweak,50:minor fix,70:major rework,90:redesign';
$s_eta_enum_string = '10:none,20:< 1 day,30:2-3 days,40:< 1 week,50:< 1 month,60:> 1 month';

# Email Strings
$s_new_account_subject = 'Your new user account';
$s_new_account_greeting = 'Greetings and welcome to the Issue Tracker.  Here is the information you need to login' . "\n\n";
$s_new_account_url = 'You can login to the site here: ';
$s_new_account_username = 'Username: ';
$s_new_account_password = 'Password: ';
$s_new_account_message = 'After logging into the site please change your password.  Also note that your password is stored via one way encryption.  The staff cannot retrieve your password.  If you forget your password it will have to be reset.' . "\n\n";
$s_new_account_do_not_reply = 'Do not reply to this message.' . "\n";

$s_reset_request_msg = 'There was a request to have your password reset';
$s_account_name_msg = 'Your account name is';
$s_news_password_msg = 'Here is your new password';

$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_feedback = 'The following issue requires your FEEDBACK.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_acknowledged = 'The following issue has been ACKNOWLEDGED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_confirmed = 'The following issue has been CONFIRMED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_assigned = 'The following issue has been ASSIGNED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_resolved = 'The following issue has been RESOLVED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_closed = 'The following isse has been CLOSED';

$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted = 'The following issue has been SUBMITTED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_assigned = 'The following issue has been ASSIGNED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_reopened = 'The following issue has been REOPENED.';
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_deleted = 'The following issue has been DELETED.';

$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bugnote_submitted = 'A NOTE has been added to this issue.';

$s_email_reporter = 'Reported By';
$s_email_handler = 'Assigned To';
$s_email_project = 'Project';
$s_email_bug = 'Issue ID';
$s_email_category = 'Category';
$s_email_reproducibility = 'Reproducibility';
$s_email_severity = 'Severity';
$s_email_priority = 'Priority';
$s_email_status = 'Status';
$s_email_resolution = 'Resolution';
$s_email_duplicate = 'Duplicate';
$s_email_date_submitted = 'Date Submitted';
$s_email_last_modified = 'Last Modified';
$s_email_summary = 'Summary';
$s_email_description = 'Description';

# account_delete.php
$s_account_protected_msg = 'Account protected. Cannot change settings...';
$s_account_removed_msg = 'Your account has been removed...';

# account_delete_page.php
$s_confirm_delete_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete your account?';
$s_delete_account_button = 'Delete Account';

# account_page.php
$s_manage_profiles_link = 'Profiles';
$s_change_preferences_link = 'Preferences';
$s_edit_account_title = 'Edit Account';
$s_username = 'Username';
$s_email = 'Email';
$s_password = 'Password';
$s_confirm_password = 'Confirm Password';
$s_access_level = 'Access Level';
$s_update_user_button = 'Update User';

# account_prefs_page.php
$s_default_account_preferences_title = 'Account Preferences';
$s_default_project = 'Default Project';
$s_advanced_report = 'Advanced Report';
$s_advanced_view = 'Advanced View';
$s_advanced_update = 'Advanced Update';
$s_refresh_delay = 'Refresh Delay';
$s_redirect_delay = 'Redirect Delay';
$s_with_minimum_severity = 'With Mimimum Severity of';
$s_email_on_new = 'Email on New';
$s_email_on_assigned = 'Email on Assigned';
$s_email_on_feedback = 'Email on Feedback';
$s_email_on_resolved = 'Email on Resolved';
$s_email_on_closed = 'Email on Closed';
$s_email_on_reopened = 'Email on Reopened';
$s_email_on_bugnote_added = 'Email on note Added';
$s_email_on_status_change = 'Email on Status Change';
$s_email_on_priority_change = 'Email on Priority Change';
$s_language = 'Language';
$s_update_prefs_button = 'Update Prefs';
$s_reset_prefs_button = 'Reset Prefs';

# account_prefs_reset.php
$s_prefs_reset_msg = 'Preferences have been reset...';

# account_prefs_update.php
$s_prefs_updated_msg = 'Preferences have been updated...';

# account_profile_add.php
$s_profile_added_msg = 'Profile added...';

# account_profile_delete.php
$s_profile_deleted_msg = 'Deleted profile...';

# account_profile_edit_page.php
$s_edit_profile_title = 'Edit Profile';
$s_platform = 'Platform';
$s_operating_system = 'Operating System';
$s_additional_description = 'Additional Description';
$s_update_profile_button = 'Update Profile';

# account_profile_make_default.php
$s_profile_defaulted_msg = 'Default profile updated...';

# account_profile_manage_page.php
$s_add_profile_title = 'Add Profile';
$s_add_profile_button = 'Add Profile';
$s_edit_or_delete_profiles_title = 'Edit or Delete Profiles';
$s_edit_profile = 'Edit Profile';
$s_make_default = 'Make Default';
$s_delete_profile = 'Delete Profile';
$s_select_profile = 'Select Profile';
$s_submit_button = 'Submit';

# account_profile_update.php
$s_profile_updated_msg = 'Profile updated...';

# account_update.php
$s_account_updated_msg = 'Your account has been successfully updated...';
$s_email_updated = 'Email address successfully updated';
$s_password_updated = 'Password successfully updated';

# bug_assign.php
$s_bug_assign_msg = 'Issue has been successfully assigned...';

# bug_close.php
$s_bug_close_msg = 'Issue has been closed...';
$s_close_immediately = 'Close immediately:';

# bug_close_page.php
$s_close_bug_title = 'Close Issue';

# bug_delete.php
$s_bug_deleted_msg = 'Issue has been deleted...';

# bug_delete_page.php
$s_delete_bug_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this issue?';
$s_delete_bug_button = 'Delete Issue';

# bug_monitor.php
$s_monitor_bug_button = 'Monitor Issue';
$s_unmonitor_bug_button = 'End Monitoring';

# bug_file_add.php
$s_file_upload_msg = 'File upload successful';

# bug_file_upload_inc.php
$s_upload_file = 'Upload File';
$s_select_file = 'Select File';
$s_upload_file_button = 'Upload File';
$s_max_file_size = 'Max size';

# bug_reopen.php
$s_bug_reopened_msg = 'Issue has been reopened...';
$s_reopen_add_bugnote_title = 'Add Note Reason For Reopening Issue';
$s_bugnote_add_reopen_button = 'Add Note and Reopen Issue';

# bug_resolve_page.php
$s_resolve_bug_title = 'Resolve Issue';
$s_resolve_bug_button = 'Resolve Issue';

# bug_resolve_page2.php
$s_bug_resolved_msg = 'Issue has been resolved. Enter note below...';
$s_resolve_add_bugnote_title = 'Add Note Reason For Resolving Issue';
$s_bugnote_add_resolve_button = 'Add Note';

# bug_reminder_page.php
$s_from = 'From';
$s_to = 'To';
$s_on = 'On';
$s_sent_you_this_reminder_about = 'sent you this reminder about';
$s_bug_reminder = 'Send a reminder';
$s_reminder_sent_to = 'Reminder sent to';
$s_bug_send_button = 'Send';
$s_reminder = 'Reminder';

# bug_update.php
$s_bug_updated_msg = 'Issue has been successfully updated...';

# bug_update_advanced_page.php
$s_back_to_bug_link = 'Back To Issue';
$s_update_simple_link = 'Update Simple';
$s_updating_bug_advanced_title = 'Updating Issue Information';
$s_id = 'ID';
$s_category = 'Category';
$s_severity = 'Severity';
$s_reproducibility = 'Reproducibility';
$s_date_submitted = 'Date Submitted';
$s_last_update = 'Last Update';
$s_reporter = 'Reporter';
$s_assigned_to = 'Assigned To';
$s_priority = 'Priority';
$s_resolution = 'Resolution';
$s_status = 'Status';
$s_duplicate_id = 'Duplicate ID';
$s_os = 'OS';
$s_projection = 'Projection';
$s_os_version = 'OS Version';
$s_eta = 'ETA';
$s_product_version = 'Product Version';
$s_build = 'Build';
$s_votes = 'Votes';
$s_summary = 'Summary';
$s_description = 'Description';
$s_steps_to_reproduce = 'Steps To Reproduce';
$s_additional = 'Additional';
$s_information = 'Information';
$s_update_information_button = 'Update Information';

# bug_update_page.php
$s_update_advanced_link = 'Update Advanced';
$s_updating_bug_simple_title = 'Updating Issue Information';

# bug_vote_add.php
$s_vote_added_msg = 'Vote has been added...';

# bugnote_add.php
$s_bugnote_added_msg = 'Note added...';

# bugnote_delete.php
$s_bugnote_deleted_msg = 'Note has been successfully deleted...';
$s_bug_notes_title = 'Notes';

# bugnote_edit_page.php
$s_edit_bugnote_title = 'Edit Note';

# bugnote_inc.php
$s_no_bugnotes_msg = 'There are no notes attached to this issue.';
$s_delete_link = 'Delete';
$s_add_bugnote_title = 'Add Note';
$s_add_bugnote_button = 'Add Note';
$s_bugnote_edit_link = 'Edit';
$s_close_bug_button = 'Close Issue';

# bugnote_update.php
$s_bugnote_updated_msg = 'Note has been successfully updated...';
$s_edited_on = 'edited on: ';

# index.php
$s_click_to_login = 'Click here to login';

# login.php

# login_page.php
$s_login_page_info = 'Welcome to the Issue Tracker.';
$s_login_title = 'Login';
$s_save_login = 'Save Login';
$s_choose_project = 'Choose Project';
$s_login_button = 'Login';
$s_signup_link = 'signup for a new account';

# login_select_proj_page.php
$s_select_project_button = 'Select Project';

# logout_page.php
$s_logged_out_title = 'Logged Out...';
$s_redirecting = '...Redirecting';
$s_here = 'Here';

# main_page.php
$s_open_and_assigned_to_me = 'Open and assigned to me';
$s_open_and_reported_to_me = 'Open and reported by me';
$s_newer_news_link = 'Newer News';
$s_older_news_link = 'Older News';
$s_archives = 'Archives';
$s_rss = 'RSS';

# manage_create_new_user.php
$s_created_user_part1 = 'Created user';
$s_created_user_part2 = 'with an access level of';

# manage_create_user_page.php
$s_create_new_account_title = 'Create New Account';
$s_verify_password = 'Verify Password';
$s_enabled = 'Enabled';
$s_protected = 'Protected';
$s_create_user_button = 'Create User';

# manage_page.php
$s_hide_disabled = 'Hide Disabled';
$s_filter_button = 'Apply Filter';
$s_manage_users_link = 'Manage Users';
$s_manage_projects_link = 'Manage Projects';
$s_manage_custom_field_link = 'Manage Custom Fields';
$s_create_new_account_link = 'Create New Account';
$s_projects_link = 'Projects';
$s_documentation_link = 'Documentation';
$s_new_accounts_title = 'New Accounts';
$s_1_week_title = '1 Week';
$s_never_logged_in_title = 'Never Logged In';
$s_prune_accounts = 'Prune Accounts';
$s_hide_inactive = 'Hide Inactive';
$s_manage_accounts_title = 'Manage Accounts';
$s_p = 'p';
$s_date_created = 'Date Created';
$s_last_visit = 'Last Visit';
$s_edit_user_link = 'Edit User';

# manage_proj_add.php
$s_project_added_msg = 'Project has been successfully added...';

# manage_proj_category_add.php
$s_category_added_msg = 'Category has been successfully added...';

# manage_proj_category_delete.php
$s_category_deleted_msg = 'Category has been successfully deleted...';

# manage_proj_category_delete_page.php
$s_category_delete_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you want to delete this category?';
$s_delete_category_button = 'Delete Category';

# manage_proj_category_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_category_title = 'Edit Project Category';
$s_update_category_button = 'Update Category';

# manage_proj_category_update.php
$s_category_updated_msg = 'Category has been successfully updated...';

# manage_proj_delete.php
$s_project_deleted_msg = 'Project successfully removed...';

# manage_proj_delete_page.php
$s_project_delete_msg = 'Are you sure you want to delete this project and all attached issue reports?';
$s_project_delete_button = 'Delete Project';

# manage_proj_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_title = 'Edit Project';
$s_project_name = 'Project Name';
$s_view_status = 'View Status';
$s_public = 'public';
$s_private = 'private';
$s_update_project_button = 'Update Project';
$s_delete_project_button = 'Delete Project';
$s_categories_and_version_title = 'Categories and Versions';
$s_categories = 'Categories';
$s_add_category_button = 'Add Category';
$s_versions = 'Versions';
$s_add_version_button = 'Add Version';
$s_edit_link = 'Edit';
$s_actions = 'Actions';
$s_version = 'Version';
$s_timestamp = 'Timestamp';
$s_update = 'Update';

# manage_proj_menu_page.php
$s_add_project_title = 'Add Project';
$s_upload_file_path = 'Upload File Path';
$s_add_project_button = 'Add Project';
$s_projects_title = 'Projects';
$s_name = 'Name';

# manage_proj_update.php
$s_project_updated_msg = 'Project has been successfully updated...';

# manage_proj_version_add.php
$s_version_added_msg = 'Version has been successfully added...';

# manage_proj_version_delete.php
$s_version_deleted_msg = 'Version has been successfully deleted...';

# manage_proj_version_delete_page.php
$s_version_delete_sure = 'Are you sure you want to delete this version?';
$s_delete_version_button = 'Delete Version';

# manage_proj_version_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_version_title = 'Edit Project Version';
$s_update_version_button = 'Update Version';

# manage_proj_version_update.php
$s_version_updated_msg = 'Version has been successfully updated...';

# manage_user_delete.php
$s_account_delete_protected_msg = 'Account protected. Cannot delete this account.';
$s_account_deleted_msg = 'Account deleted...';

# manage_user_delete_page.php
$s_delete_account_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this account?';

# manage_user_prune.php
$s_accounts_pruned_msg = 'All accounts that have never logged in and are older than 1 week have been removed';
$s_prune_accounts_button = 'Prune';
$s_confirm_account_pruning = 'Are you sure you want to delete old accounts that have never logged in?';

# manage_user_page.php
$s_edit_user_title = 'Edit User';
$s_reset_password_button = 'Reset Password';
$s_delete_user_button = 'Delete User';
$s_reset_password_msg = 'Reset Password sets the randomly generated password.';
$s_reset_password_msg2 = 'Reset Password sets the password to be blank.';
$s_show_all_users = 'ALL';

# manage_user_reset.php
$s_account_reset_protected_msg = 'Account protected. Cannot reset the password.';
$s_account_reset_msg = 'New password has been generated and sent to the user...';
$s_account_reset_msg2 = 'Account password has been set to blank...';

# manage_user_update.php
$s_manage_user_protected_msg = 'Account protected. Access level and enabled protected. Otherwise, account has been updated...';
$s_manage_user_updated_msg = 'Account successfully updated...';

# menu_inc.php
$s_main_link = 'Main';
$s_view_bugs_link = 'View Issues';
$s_report_bug_link = 'Report Issue';
$s_summary_link = 'Summary';
$s_account_link = 'My Account';
$s_users_link = 'Users';
$s_manage_link = 'Manage';
$s_edit_news_link = 'Edit News';
$s_docs_link = 'Docs';
$s_logout_link = 'Logout';

# meta_inc.php

# news_add.php
$s_news_added_msg = 'News item added...';

# news_delete.php
$s_news_deleted_msg = 'Deleted news item...';

# news_delete_page.php
$s_delete_news_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this news item?';
$s_delete_news_item_button = 'Delete News Item';

# news_edit_page.php
$s_edit_news_title = 'Edit News';
$s_headline = 'Headline';
$s_body = 'Body';
$s_update_news_button = 'Update News';

# news_menu_page.php
$s_add_news_title = 'Add News';
$s_post_to = 'Post to';
$s_post_news_button = 'Post News';
$s_edit_or_delete_news_title = 'Edit or Delete News';
$s_edit_post = 'Edit Post';
$s_delete_post = 'Delete Post';
$s_select_post = 'Select Post';

# news_update.php
$s_news_updated_msg = 'News item updated...';

# news_view_page.php
$s_back_link = 'Back';

# proj_doc_add.php
$s_file_uploaded_msg = 'File upload successful';

# proj_doc_add_page.php
$s_upload_file_title = 'Upload File';
$s_title = 'Title';

# proj_doc_delete.php
$s_project_file_deleted_msg = 'Project file deleted';

# proj_doc_delete_page.php
$s_confirm_file_delete_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this file?';

# proj_doc_edit_page.php
$s_filename = 'Filename';
$s_file_update_button = 'Update File';
$s_file_delete_button = 'Delete File';

# proj_doc_page.php
$s_project_documentation_title = 'Project Documentation';
$s_user_documentation = 'User Documentation';
$s_project_documentation = 'Project Documentation';
$s_add_file = 'Add File';

# proj_doc_update.php
$s_project_document_updated = 'Project update successful';

# proj_user_add.php
$s_project_user_added_msg = 'Successfully added user to project';

# proj_user_delete.php
$s_project_removed_user_msg = 'Successfully removed user from project';

# proj_user_delete_page.php
$s_remove_user_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to remove this user?';

# proj_user_menu_page.php
$s_add_user_title = 'Add user to project';
$s_add_user_button = 'Add User';
$s_project_selection_title = 'Project Selection';
$s_remove_link = 'Remove';

# proj_user_update.php
$s_updated_user_msg = 'Successfully updated user';

# report_add.php
$s_must_enter_category = 'You must select a category';
$s_must_enter_severity = 'You must select a severity';
$s_must_enter_reproducibility = 'You must select a reproducibility';
$s_must_enter_summary = 'You must enter a summary';
$s_must_enter_description = 'You must enter a description';
$s_report_more_bugs = 'Report More Issues';
$s_submission_thanks_msg = 'Thank you for your submission';

# report_bug_advanced_page.php
$s_simple_report_link = 'Simple Report';
$s_enter_report_details_title = 'Enter Report Details';
$s_required = 'required';
$s_select_category = 'Select Category';
$s_select_reproducibility = 'Select Reproducibility';
$s_select_severity = 'Select Severity';
$s_or_fill_in = 'OR Fill In';
$s_assign_to = 'Assign To';
$s_additional_information = 'Additional Information';
$s_submit_report_button = 'Submit Report';
$s_check_report_more_bugs = 'check to report more issues';

# report_bug_page.php
$s_advanced_report_link = 'Advanced Report';
$s_report_stay = 'Report Stay';

# set_project.php
$s_selected_project = 'Selected project';
$s_valid_project_msg = 'You must choose a valid project';

# signup.php
$s_invalid_email = 'IS AN INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS';
$s_account_create_fail = 'FAILED TO CREATE USER ACCOUNT';
$s_account_added = 'Account was successfully added.';
$s_password_emailed_msg = 'Your password will be emailed to you.';
$s_no_reponse_msg = 'If you do not respond within a week your account may be deleted.';

# signup_page.php
$s_signup_info = 'Choose your login name and enter a valid email address.  A randomly generated password will be sent to your address.';
$s_signup_title = 'Signup';
$s_signup_button = 'Signup';

# site_settings_edit_page.php
$s_edit_site_settings_title = 'Edit Site Settings';
$s_save_settings_button = 'Save Settings';

# site_settings_page.php
$s_site_settings_title = 'Site Settings';
$s_system_info_link = 'System Info';
$s_site_settings_link = 'Site Settings';

# site_settings_update.php
$s_site_settings_updated_msg = 'Site settings have been updated';

# summary_page.php
$s_summary_title = 'Summary';
$s_summary_jpgraph_link = 'Advanced summary';
$s_by_project = 'By Project';
$s_by_status = 'By Status';
$s_by_date = 'By Date (days)';
$s_by_severity = 'By Severity';
$s_by_resolution = 'By Resolution';
$s_by_category = 'By Category';
$s_by_priority = 'By Priority';
$s_by_developer = 'By Developer';
$s_by_reporter = 'By Reporter';
$s_reporter_by_resolution = 'Reporter By Resolution';
$s_reporter_effectiveness = 'Reporter Effectiveness';
$s_developer_by_resolution = 'Developer By Resolution';
$s_percentage_fixed = '% Fixed';
$s_percentage_errors = '% False';
$s_errors = 'False';
$s_total = 'Total';
$s_time_stats = 'Time Stats For Resolved Issues (days)';
$s_longest_open_bug = 'Longest open issue';
$s_longest_open = 'Longest open';
$s_average_time = 'Average time';
$s_total_time = 'Total time';
$s_developer_stats = 'Developer Stats';
$s_reporter_stats = 'Reporter Stats';
$s_orct = '(open/resolved/closed/total)';

# view_all_bug_page.php
$s_any = 'any';
$s_show = 'Show';
$s_changed = 'Changed(hrs)';
$s_viewing_bugs_title = 'Viewing Issues';
$s_updated = 'Updated';

# view_all_inc.php
$s_none = 'none';
$s_search = 'Search';
$s_view_prev_link = 'View Prev';
$s_view_next_link = 'View Next';
$s_prev = 'Prev';
$s_next = 'Next';
$s_first = 'First';
$s_last = 'Last';
$s_start_date = 'Start Date';
$s_end_date = 'End Date';
$s_use_date_filters = 'Use Date Filters';
$s_yes = 'Yes';
$s_no = 'No';
$s_open_filters = 'Change Filter';
$s_or_unassigned = 'Or Unassigned';

# stored query strings
$s_use_query = 'Use Filter';
$s_delete_query = 'Delete Filter';
$s_query_deleted = 'Filter Deleted';
$s_save_query = 'Save Current Filter';
$s_reset_query = 'Reset Filter';
$s_query_name = 'Filter Name';
$s_query_exists = 'This particular query appears to already exist.';
$s_query_dupe_name = 'Another query already has this name. Please choose a different name for this query.';
$s_query_store_error = 'There was an error saving this query.';
$s_open_queries = 'Open Saved Filters';
$s_query_delete_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this query?';

# view_bug_advanced_page.php
$s_view_simple_link = 'View Simple';
$s_viewing_bug_advanced_details_title = 'Viewing Issue Advanced Details';
$s_product_build = 'Product Build';
$s_system_profile = 'System Description';
$s_update_bug_button = 'Update Issue';
$s_bug_assign_to_button = 'Assign To:';
$s_reopen_bug_button = 'Reopen Issue';
$s_attached_files = 'Attached Files';
$s_publish = 'Publish';
$s_cached = 'Cached';

# view_bug_inc.php

# view_bug_page.php
$s_view_advanced_link = 'View Advanced';
$s_viewing_bug_simple_details_title = 'Viewing Issue Simple Details';

# bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php
$s_no_users_monitoring_bug = 'There are no users monitoring this issue.';
$s_users_monitoring_bug = 'Users monitoring this issue';
$s_monitoring_user_list = 'User List';

# custom field strings
$s_add_custom_field_button = 'New Custom Field';
$s_delete_custom_field_button = 'Delete Custom Field';
$s_delete_custom_field_everywhere = 'Delete Custom Field Everywhere';
$s_update_custom_field_button = 'Update Custom Field';
$s_add_existing_custom_field = 'Add This Existing Custom Field';
$s_edit_custom_field_title = 'Edit custom field';
$s_custom_field = 'Field';
$s_custom_fields_setup = 'Custom Fields';
$s_custom_field_name = 'Name';
$s_custom_field_project_count = 'Project Count';
$s_custom_field_type = 'Type';
$s_custom_field_possible_values = 'Possible Values';
$s_custom_field_default_value = 'Default Value';
$s_custom_field_valid_regexp = 'Regular Expression';
$s_custom_field_access_level_r = 'Read Access';
$s_custom_field_access_level_rw = 'Write Access';
$s_custom_field_length_min = 'Min. Length';
$s_custom_field_length_max = 'Max. Length';
$s_custom_field_advanced = 'Advanced';
$s_custom_field_sequence = 'Sequence';
$s_custom_field_type_enum_string = '0:String,1:Numeric,2:Float,3:Enumeration,4:Email';

$s_confirm_used_custom_field_deletion = 'This field is currently linked to at least one project.  If you continue all values for this field will be permanently deleted.  This action cannot be undone.  If you do not want to delete this field, hit the Back button in your browser.  To proceed, click the button below';
$s_confirm_custom_field_deletion = 'Are you sure you want to delete this custom field and all associated values?';
$s_field_delete_button = 'Delete Field';

$s_hide_status = 'Hide Status';
$s_filter_closed = "Closed";
$s_filter_resolved = "Resolved";
$s_hide_closed = "Hide Closed";
$s_hide_resolved = "Hide Resolved";

$s_attachments = "attachment(s)";
$s_attachment_alt = "A";

# PHPMailer
$s_phpmailer_language = 'en';
strings_english.txt (36,123 bytes)   
strings_swedish.txt (37,558 bytes)   
	# Mantis - a php based bugtracking system
	# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito -
	# Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004  Mantis Team   -
	# This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GPL
	# See the README and LICENSE files for details

	# Swedish: Ludvig Omholt,
	# -------------------------------------------------
	# $Revision: 1.59 $
	# $Author: jlatour $
	# $Date: 2004/02/26 23:49:55 $
	# $Id: strings_swedish.txt,v 1.59 2004/02/26 23:49:55 jlatour Exp $
# Charset
$s_charset = "iso-8859-15";

# Group commands menuitems
$s_actiongroup_menu_move = "Flytta";
$s_actiongroup_menu_assign = "Tilldela";
$s_actiongroup_menu_close = "St�ng";
$s_actiongroup_menu_delete = "Ta bort";
$s_actiongroup_menu_resolve = "L�s";
$s_actiongroup_menu_update_priority = "Uppdatera prioritet";
$s_actiongroup_menu_update_status = "Uppdatera status";

# new strings:
$s_all_projects = "Alla Projekt";
$s_move_bugs = "Flytta �renden";
$s_operation_successful = "Operationen lyckades.";
$s_date_order = "Datumordning";
$s_print_all_bug_page_link = "Skriv ut rapporter";
$s_csv_export = "CSV export";
$s_login_anonymously = "Logga in anonymt";
$s_anonymous = "Anonym";
$s_jump_to_bugnotes = "Hoppa till meddelanden";
$s_public_project_msg = "Det h�r projektet �r PUBLIKT.  Alla anv�ndare har tillg�ng till det h�r projektet.";
$s_private_project_msg = "Det h�r projektet �r PRIVAT.  Endast administrat�rer och manuellt tillagda anv�ndare har tillg�ng.";
$s_access_level_project = "Projektets tillg�ngsniv�";
$s_view_submitted_bug_link = "Visa rapporterad �rende";
$s_assigned_projects = "Tilldelade projekt";
$s_unassigned_projects = "Icke tilldelade projekt";
$s_print = "Skriv ut";
$s_jump = "Hoppa";
$s_copy_users = "Kopiera anv�ndare";
$s_copy_categories_from = "Kopiera kategorier fr�n";
$s_copy_categories_to = "Kopiera kategorier till";
$s_bug_history = "�rendehistorik";
$s_field = "F�lt";
$s_old_value = "Gammalt v�rde";
$s_new_value = "Nytt v�rde";
$s_date_modified = "�ndrad datum";
$s_bugnote = "Meddelande";
$s_change = "�ndring";
$s_bugnote_view_state = "Meddelande visa status";
$s_bug_monitor = "�rendet �vervakas";
$s_bug_end_monitor = "�rendet �vervakas ej";
$s_announcement = "Tillk�nnagivande";
$s_stays_on_top = "Stannar h�gt upp";
$s_delete_bugnote_button = "Ta bort meddelande";
$s_delete_bugnote_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort detta meddelande?";
$s_bug_relationships = "Samband";
$s_empty_password_sure_msg = "Anv�ndaren har ett tomt l�senord.  �r du s�ker p� att detta �r vad du vill?";
$s_empty_password_button = "Anv�nd tomt l�senord";

$s_duplicate_of = "kopia av %id";
$s_has_duplicate = "har kopia %id";
$s_related_to = "relaterad till %id";
$s_dependant_on = "beroende av %id";
$s_blocks = "blockerar %id";

$s_new_bug = "Ny �rende";
$s_bugnote_added = "La till meddelande";
$s_bugnote_edited = "Meddelandet �ndrat";
$s_bugnote_deleted = "Tog bort meddelande";
$s_summary_updated = "Sammanfattning �ndrad";
$s_description_updated = "Beskrivning �ndrad";
$s_additional_information_updated = "Ytterligare information �ndrad";
$s_steps_to_reproduce_updated = "Steg f�r att reproducera �ndrad";
$s_file_added = "La till fil: ";
$s_file_deleted = "Raderade fil: ";
$s_bug_deleted = "�rende Raderat";

$s_make_private = "G�r privat";
$s_make_public = "G�r publik";

$s_create_new_project_link = "Skapa nytt projekt";

$s_login_link = "Logga in";

# bug_actiongroup_page.php : mass treatment
$s_bug_actiongroup_failed = "Du hade inte tillr�ckliga r�ttigheter f�r att �ndra f�ljande �renden: ";
$s_close_bugs_conf_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill st�nga dessa �renden?";
$s_delete_bugs_conf_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort dessa �renden?";
$s_move_bugs_conf_msg = "Flytta �renden till";
$s_assign_bugs_conf_msg = "Tilldela �renden till";
$s_resolve_bugs_conf_msg = "V�lj hur �rendena l�sts";
$s_priority_bugs_conf_msg = "V�lj prioritet f�r �renden";
$s_status_bugs_conf_msg = "V�lj status f�r �renden";
$s_close_group_bugs_button = "St�ng �renden" ;
$s_delete_group_bugs_button = "Ta bort �renden" ;
$s_move_group_bugs_button = "Flytta �renden" ;
$s_assign_group_bugs_button = "Tilldela �renden" ;
$s_resolve_group_bugs_button = "L�s �renden" ;
$s_priority_group_bugs_button = "Uppdatera prioritet" ;
$s_status_group_bugs_button = "Uppdatera status" ;

# improved JPgraphs strings
$s_graph_imp_status_title = "Synthesis graphs by status" ;
$s_graph_imp_priority_title = "Synthesis graphs by priority" ;
$s_graph_imp_severity_title = "Synthesis graphs by severity";
$s_graph_imp_category_title = "Synthesis graphs by category";
$s_graph_imp_resolution_title = "Synthesis graphs by resolution";
$s_by_status_pct = "by status percentage";
$s_by_priority_pct = "by priority percentage";
$s_by_severity_pct = "by severity percentage";
$s_by_category_pct = "by category percentage";
$s_by_resolution_pct = "by resolution percentage";
$s_by_severity_mix = "by severity and status";
$s_by_priority_mix = "by priority and status";
$s_by_resolution_mix = "by resolution and status";
$s_synthesis_link = "Synthesis";
$s_status_link = "Per state";
$s_priority_link = "Per priority";
$s_severity_link = "Per severity";
$s_category_link = "Per category";
$s_resolution_link = "Per resolution";

# print_all_bug_page.php : display selected bugs
$s_hide_button = "Visa bara valda";

# print_all_bug_options.php : printing preferences
$s_printing_preferences_title = "V�lj f�lt att skriva ut";
$s_printing_options_link = "Utskriftsinst�llningar";

# word and excel export
$s_bugnote_title = "Hanterare f�r meddelande" ;
$s_bugnote_date = "Datum f�r meddelande";
$s_bugnote_description = "Beskrivning av meddelande";

$s_error_no_proceed = "Anv�nd 'back'-knappen i din webbl�sare f�r att �terg� till f�reg�ende sida. D�r kan du r�tta de fel som uppst�tt. Du kan ocks� v�lja att g� direkt till en annan sida via n�gon av l�nkarna i menyn.";

# ERROR strings
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GENERIC]            = "FEL: Ett fel uppstod.  Du kan rapportera detta fel till din lokala administrat�r.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SQL] = "FEL: Ett SQL-fel uppstod.  Var god rapportera detta till ";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_REPORT] = "FEL: Det fanns ett fel i din rapport.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DISALLOWED]    = "FEL: Filtypen �r inte till�ten";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NO_DIRECTORY] = "FEL: Katalogen finns inte. Var god kontrollera projetinst�llningarna.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE] = "FEL: Filen finns redan.  Var god ta bort den andra filen f�rst.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_PROJECT]  = "FEL: Ett projekt med det namnet finns redan.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD] = "FEL: Ett obligatoriskt f�lt var tomt.  Var god f�rs�k igen.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROTECTED_ACCOUNT]  = "FEL: Detta konto �r skyddat.  Du har inte tillg�ng till det innan skyddet �r borttaget.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED]      = "FEL: �tkomst nekas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_UPLOAD_FAILURE]     = "FEL: Skicka fil misslyckades.  Be din administrat�r k�ra skriptet admin_check f�r att se vad som �r fel.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG]       = "FEL: Skicka fil misslyckades.  Det beror troligen p� att filen var st�rre �n vad denna PHP-installation till�ter.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_VAR_NOT_FOUND]  = "FEL: Ett obligatoriskt v�rde f�r den h�r sidan saknas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE]= "FEL: Det anv�ndarnamnet anv�nds redan.  G� tillbaka och v�lj ett annat.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_NOT_FOUND]="FEL: Konfigurationsv�rde saknas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_FIELD_NOT_FOUND] = "FEL: Databasf�ltet saknas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FTP_CONNECT_ERROR]	= "FEL: Kan inte ansluta till FTP-servern.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = "FEL: Ett projekt med det namnet finns redan.  G� tillbaka och v�lj ett annat.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_INVALID]="FEL: Ogiltigt projektnamn angivet.  Projektnamn kan inte vara tomma.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND]	= "FEL: Anv�ndaren finns inte.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_AUTH_INVALID_COOKIE]= "FEL: Logininformationen i din bl�ddrare �r ogiltig.  Ditt konto kanske har tagit bort?";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_PREFS_NOT_FOUND]="FEL: Hittar inte inst�llningar f�r den h�r anv�ndaren.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NEWS_NOT_FOUND]	= "FEL: Hittar inte nyheten.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_EXPECTED]	= "FEL: En array f�rv�ntades men fick en str�ng.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_UNEXPECTED]="FEL: En str�ng f�rv�ntades men fick en array.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_NOT_FOUND]	= "FEL: �rendet kan inte hittas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID]	= "FEL: Ogiltig e-postadress.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND]= "FEL: Profilen kan inte hittas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED]	= "FEL: Filtypen �r inte till�ten.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE]	= "FEL: Filen finns redan.  Var god ta bort den andra filen f�rst.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_INVALID_UPLOAD_PATH] = "FEL: Ogiltig s�kv�g f�r skickade filer.  Katalogen finns inte eller �r inte skrivbar av webservern.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_DUPLICATE_SELF]	= "FEL: Kan inte ange en �rende som kopia av sig sj�lv.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_NOT_FOUND]= "FEL: Skr�ddarsytt f�lt kan inte hittas";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_IN_USE]= "FEL: F�ltet anv�nds av �tminstone ett projekt.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_AUTH_FAILED]	= "FEL: LDAP Autentisiering Misslyckades,";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_UPDATE_FAILED]	= "FEL: LDAP Uppdatering misslyckades.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_USER_NOT_FOUND]= "FEL: LDAP Anv�ndaren kan inte hittas.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_RESOLVED_ACTION_DENIED]= "FEL: Kan inte utf�ra �ndringen f�r att �rendet �r l�st";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_CONNECT_FAILED]	= "FEL: Kan inte ansluta till databasen.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED]	= "FEL: Databasfr�ga misslyckades.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_SELECT_FAILED]	= "FEL: Databass�kning misslyckades.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_NO_ACTION] = "FEL: Ingen kopierings�ndring angiven.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_VERSION_NOT_FOUND]  = "FEL: Versionen finns inte.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_INVALID]  = "FEL: Anv�ndarnamnet �r ogiltigt.";
$MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_REQ_ACCESS] = "Anv�ndaren har inte tillr�cklig beh�righet.";

$s_login_error = "FEL: ditt anv�ndarkonto kan vara avst�ngt eller s� har du angivit ett felaktigt anv�ndarnamn eller l�senord.";
$s_login_cookies_disabled = "FEL: Din bl�ddrare kan inte hantera cookies eller v�grar anv�nda dem.";

# General Strings
$s_go_back = "G� tillbaks";
$s_proceed = "Klicka h�r f�r att forts�tta";

$s_switch = "Byt";
$s_logged_in_as = "Inloggad som";

$s_prefix_for_deleted_users = "user";

$s_administrator = "administrat�r";
$s_myself = "Myself";

# Enum Strings
$s_access_levels_enum_string      = "10:l�sare,25:rapporterare,40:uppdaterare,55:utvecklare,70:projektledare,90:administrat�r";
$s_project_status_enum_string     = "10:utveckling,30:release,50:stabil,70:inaktuell";
$s_project_view_state_enum_string = "10:publik,50:privat";
$s_view_state_enum_string         = "10:publik,50:privat";

$s_priority_enum_string           = "10:ingen,20:l�g,30:normal,40:h�g,50:br�ttom,60:omedelbart";


#$s_severity_enum_string           = "10:funktion,20:trivial,30:text,40:tweak,50:mindre,60:allvarlig,70:krash,80:blockerare";
$s_severity_enum_string           = "10:�B,12:RB,15:TODO,20:FR trivial,30:FR text�ndring,40:FR anpassning (C),50:FR mindre (B),60:FR allvarlig (A),70:FR krash,80:FR blockerare";

#$s_reproducibility_enum_string    = "10:alltid,30:ibland,50:slumpvis,70:har ej testat,90:kan inte g�ra om,100:ingen";
$s_reproducibility_enum_string    = "5:ej applicerbart,10:alltid,30:ibland,50:slumpvis,70:har ej testat,90:kan inte g�ra om,100:ingen";

#�ndrad, inget tillagt
$s_status_enum_string             = "10:ny,20:�terkoppling,30:l�st - ej driftad,40:l�st - testserver,50:tilldelad,80:l�st,90:st�ngd - driftad";

$s_resolution_enum_string         = "10:�ppen,20:fixad,30:�ter�ppnad,40:kan inte g�ra om,50:kan inte fixa,60:kopia av annan,70:inte ett fel,80:bordlagd,90:kommer inte fixa";
$s_projection_enum_string         = "10:ingen,30:tweak,50:mindre fix,70:omfattande omkodning,90:omdesign";

#$s_eta_enum_string                = "10:ingen,20:< 1 dag,30:2-3 dagar,40:< 1 vecka,50:< 1 m�nad,60:> 1 m�nad";
$s_eta_enum_string                = "10:ingen,11:max en timme,12:max tv� timmar,13:max tre timmar,20:max fyra timmar,30:max �tta timmar,40:max tv� dagar,42:max tre dagar,46:max tre dagar,50:max en vecka,60:en vecka,80:tv� veckor";

# Email Strings
$s_new_account_subject = "Ditt nya anv�ndarkonto";
$s_new_account_greeting = "V�lkommen till �rendehanteraren.  H�r �r informationen du beh�ver f�r att logga in\n\n";
$s_new_account_url = "Du kan logga in till sajten h�r: ";
$s_new_account_username = "Anv�ndarnamn: ";
$s_new_account_password = "L�senord: ";
$s_new_account_message = "Byt l�senord n�r du har loggat in p� sajten.  Ditt l�senord sparas med env�gskryptering.  Administrat�ren kan inte se ditt l�senord.  Om du gl�mmer bort l�senordet m�ste det nollst�llas." . "\n\n";
$s_new_account_do_not_reply = "Svara inte p� detta meddelande." . "\n";

$s_reset_request_msg = "Det har kommet en beg�ran om att nollst�lla ditt l�senord";
$s_account_name_msg = "Ditt anv�ndarnamn �r";
$s_news_password_msg = "H�r �r ditt nya l�senord";

$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_feedback = "F�ljande �rende kr�ver din �TERKOPPLING.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_acknowledged = "F�ljande �rende har blivit GODK�NT.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_confirmed = "F�ljande �rende har blivit BEKR�FTAT.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_assigned = "F�ljande �rende har blivit TILLDELAT.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_resolved = "F�ljande �rende har blivit L�ST.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_closed = "F�ljande �rende �r nu ST�NGT.";

$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted = "F�ljande NYA �rende har LAGTS TILL.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_assigned = "F�ljande �rende har blivit TILLDELAT.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_reopened = "F�ljande �rende har blivit �TER�PPNAT.";
$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_deleted = "F�ljande �rende har blivit RADERAT.";

$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bugnote_submitted = "Ett MEDDELANDE har lagts till detta �rende.";

$s_email_reporter = "Rapporterare";
$s_email_handler = "Ansvarig";
$s_email_project = "Projekt";
$s_email_bug = "�rende ID";
$s_email_category = "Kategori";
$s_email_reproducibility = "Reproducerbarhet";
$s_email_severity = "Allvarlighetsgrad";
$s_email_priority = "Prioritet";
$s_email_status = "Status";
$s_email_resolution = "Resolution";
$s_email_duplicate = "Kopia av";
$s_email_date_submitted = "Inlagd datum";
$s_email_last_modified = "Senast �ndrad";
$s_email_summary =  "Sammanfattning";
$s_email_description = "Beskrivning";

# account_delete.php
$s_account_protected_msg = "Skyddat konto. Kan inte �ndra inst�llningar...";
$s_account_removed_msg = "Ditt konto har tagits bort...";

# account_delete_page.php
$s_confirm_delete_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort ditt konto?";
$s_delete_account_button = "Ta bort konto";

# account_page.php
$s_manage_profiles_link = "Hantera Profiler";
	$s_change_preferences_link = "Fler inst�llningar";
$s_edit_account_title = "�ndra konto";
$s_username = "Anv�ndarnamn";
$s_email = "Epost";
$s_password = "L�senord";
$s_confirm_password  = "Bekr�fta l�senord";
$s_access_level = "Tillg�ngsniv�";
$s_update_user_button = "Uppdatera anv�ndare";

# account_prefs_page.php
$s_default_account_preferences_title = "Kontoinst�llningar";
$s_default_project = "F�rvalt projekt";
$s_advanced_report = "Avancerad rapport";
$s_advanced_view = "Avancerad visning";
$s_advanced_update = "Avancerad uppdatering";
$s_refresh_delay = "Uppdateringsf�rdr�jning";
$s_redirect_delay = "Omdirigeringsf�rdr�jning";
$s_email_on_new = "Epost vid ny";
$s_email_on_assigned = "Epost vid tilldelning";
$s_email_on_feedback = "Epost vid �terkoppling";
$s_email_on_resolved = "Epost om l�st";
$s_email_on_closed = "Epost om st�ngd";
$s_email_on_reopened = "Epost om �ter�ppnad";
$s_email_on_bugnote_added = "Epost vid nytt meddelande";
$s_email_on_status_change = "Epost vid status�ndring";
$s_email_on_priority_change = "Epost vid prioriterings�ndring";
$s_language = "Spr�k";
$s_update_prefs_button = "Uppdatera inst�llningar";
$s_reset_prefs_button = "Nollst�ll inst�llningar";

# account_prefs_reset.php
$s_prefs_reset_msg = "Inst�llningarna har nollst�llts...";

# account_prefs_update.php
$s_prefs_updated_msg = "Inst�llningarna har uppdaterats...";

# account_profile_add.php
$s_profile_added_msg = "La till profil...";

# account_profile_delete.php
$s_profile_deleted_msg = "Tog bort profil...";

# account_profile_edit_page.php
$s_edit_profile_title = "Redigera profile";
$s_platform = "Plattform";
$s_operating_system = "Operativsystem";
$s_additional_description = "Ytterligare information";
$s_update_profile_button = "Uppdatera profil";

# account_profile_make_default.php
$s_profile_defaulted_msg = "F�rvald profil uppdaterad...";

# account_profile_manage_page.php
$s_add_profile_title = "L�gg till profil";
$s_add_profile_button = "L�gg till profil";
$s_edit_or_delete_profiles_title = "Redigera eller ta bort profiler";
$s_edit_profile = "Redigera profil";
$s_make_default = "Spara som standard";
$s_delete_profile = "Ta bort profil";
$s_select_profile = "V�lj profil";
$s_submit_button = "Skicka";

# account_profile_update.php
$s_profile_updated_msg = "Profil uppdaterad...";

# account_update.php
$s_account_updated_msg = "Ditt konto har uppdaterats...";
$s_email_updated = "Epostadressen har uppdaterats";
$s_password_updated = "L�senordet har uppdaterats";

# bug_assign.php
$s_bug_assign_msg       = "�rendet har tilldelats...";

# bug_close.php
$s_bug_close_msg       = "�rendet har st�ngts...";
$s_close_immediately   = "St�ng omedelbart:";

# bug_close_page.php
$s_close_bug_title = "St�ng �rende";

# bug_delete.php
$s_bug_deleted_msg = "�rendet har tagits bort...";

# bug_delete_page.php
$s_delete_bug_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort det h�r �rendet?";
$s_delete_bug_button = "Ta bort �rende";

# bug_monitor.php
$s_monitor_bug_button = "�vervaka �rendet";
$s_unmonitor_bug_button = "Sluta �vervaka �rendet";

# bug_file_add.php
$s_file_upload_msg = "Skicka fil lyckades";

# bug_file_upload_inc.php
$s_upload_file = "Skicka upp fil";
$s_select_file = "V�lj fil";
$s_upload_file_button = "Skicka fil";
$s_max_file_size = "Max storlek";

# bug_reopen.php
$s_bug_reopened_msg = "�rendet har �ter�ppnats...";
$s_reopen_add_bugnote_title = "L�gg till meddelande om anledning till �ter�ppning";
$s_bugnote_add_reopen_button = "L�gg till meddelande och �ter�ppna �rende";

# bug_resolve_page.php
$s_resolve_bug_title = "L�s �rende";
$s_resolve_bug_button = "L�s �rende";

# bug_resolve_page2.php
$s_bug_resolved_msg = "�rendet har l�sts. Skriv meddelande nedan...";
$s_resolve_add_bugnote_title = "L�gg till meddelande om anledning till l�sning";
$s_bugnote_add_resolve_button = "L�gg till meddelande och l�s �rende";

# bug_reminder_page.php
$s_from = "Fr�n";
$s_to = "Till";
$s_on = "Den";
$s_sent_you_this_reminder_about = " har skickat denna p�minnelse till dig ang�ende";
$s_bug_reminder = "Skicka en p�minnelse";
$s_reminder_sent_to = "P�minnelse skickad till";
$s_bug_send_button = "Skicka";
$s_reminder = "P�minnelse";

# bug_update.php
$s_bug_updated_msg = "�rendet har uppdaterats...";

# bug_update_advanced_page.php
$s_back_to_bug_link = "Tillbaka till �rende";
$s_update_simple_link = "Uppdatera enkel";
$s_updating_bug_advanced_title = "Uppdatera �rendeinformation";
$s_id = "ID";
$s_category = "Kategori";
$s_severity = "Allvarlighetsgrad";
$s_reproducibility = "Reproducerbarhet";
$s_date_submitted = "Rapporterad datum";
$s_last_update = "Senaste uppdatering";
$s_reporter = "Rapporterad av";
$s_assigned_to = "Tilldelad till";
$s_priority = "Prioritet";
$s_resolution = "Resolution";
$s_status = "Status";
$s_duplicate_id = "Kopia av";
$s_os = "OS";
$s_projection = "Omfattning";
$s_os_version = "OS-Version";
$s_eta = "Tidsuppskattning";
$s_product_version = "Produktversion";
$s_build = "Bygge";
$s_votes = "R�ster";
$s_summary = "Sammanfattning";
$s_description = "Beskrivning";
$s_steps_to_reproduce = "Steg f�r att reproducera";
$s_additional = "Ytterligare";
$s_information = "Information";
$s_update_information_button = "Uppdatera information";

# bug_update_page.php
$s_update_advanced_link = "Uppdatera advancerad";
$s_updating_bug_simple_title = "Uppdaterar �rendeinformation";

# bug_vote_add.php
$s_vote_added_msg = "R�st har lagts till...";

# bugnote_add.php
$s_bugnote_added_msg = "La till bugmeddelande...";

# bugnote_delete.php
$s_bugnote_deleted_msg = "Meddelandet har raderats...";
$s_bug_notes_title = "Meddelanden";

# bugnote_edit_page.php
$s_edit_bugnote_title = "Redigera meddelande";

# bugnote_inc.php
$s_no_bugnotes_msg = "Det finns inga meddelanden kopplade till detta �rende.";
$s_delete_link = "Ta bort";
$s_add_bugnote_title = "L�gg till meddelande";
$s_add_bugnote_button = "L�gg till meddelande";
$s_bugnote_edit_link = "Redigera";
$s_close_bug_button = "St�ng �rende";

# bugnote_update.php
$s_bugnote_updated_msg = "Bugmeddelandet har uppdaterats...";
$s_edited_on = "redigerad: ";

# index.php
$s_click_to_login = "Klicka h�r f�r att logga in";

# login.php

# login_page.php
$s_login_page_info = "V�lkommen till �rendehanteraren.";
$s_login_title = "Logga in";
$s_save_login = "Spara inloggning";
$s_choose_project = "V�lj projekt";
$s_login_button = "Logga in";
$s_signup_link = "skapa ett nytt konto";

# login_select_proj_page.php
$s_select_project_button = "V�lj projekt";

# logout_page.php
$s_logged_out_title = "Utloggad...";
$s_redirecting = "...Omdirigerar";
$s_here = "H�r";

# main_page.php
$s_open_and_assigned_to_me = "�ppna och tilldelade till mig";
$s_open_and_reported_to_me = "�ppna och rapporterade av mig";
$s_newer_news_link = "Nyare nyheter";
$s_older_news_link = "�ldre nyheter";
$s_archives = "Arkiv";
$s_rss = "RSS";

# manage_create_new_user.php
$s_created_user_part1 = "Skapade anv�ndare";
$s_created_user_part2 = "med tillg�ngsniv�n";

# manage_create_user_page.php
$s_create_new_account_title = "Skapa ett nytt anv�ndarkonto";
$s_verify_password = "Verifiera l�senord";
$s_enabled = "Aktiverad";
$s_protected = "Skyddad";
$s_create_user_button = "Skapa konto";

# manage_page.php
$s_hide_disabled = "G�m avaktiverade";
$s_filter_button = "Filtrera";
$s_manage_users_link = "Hantera anv�ndarkonton";
$s_manage_projects_link = "Hantera projekt";
$s_manage_custom_field_link = "Hantera skr�ddarsydda f�lt";
$s_create_new_account_link = "Skapa nytt konto";
$s_projects_link = "Projekt";
$s_documentation_link = "Dokumentation";
$s_new_accounts_title = "Nya konton";
$s_1_week_title = "1 vecka";
$s_never_logged_in_title = "Har aldrig loggat in";
$s_prune_accounts = "Ta bort inaktiva konton";
$s_hide_inactive = "G�m inaktiva";
$s_manage_accounts_title = "Hantera konton";
$s_p = "Skyddad";
$s_date_created = "Skapad";
$s_last_visit = "Senast inloggad";
$s_edit_user_link = "Redigera";

# manage_proj_add.php
$s_project_added_msg = "Projektet har lagts till...";

# manage_proj_category_add.php
$s_category_added_msg = "Kategorin har lagts till...";

# manage_proj_category_delete.php
$s_category_deleted_msg = "Kategorin har tagits bort...";

# manage_proj_category_delete_page.php
$s_category_delete_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort den h�r kategorin? ALLA associerade �renden kommer att tas bort!!";
$s_delete_category_button = "Ta bort kategori";

# manage_proj_category_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_category_title = "Redigera projektkategori";
$s_update_category_button = "Uppdatera kategori";

# manage_proj_category_update.php
$s_category_updated_msg = "Kategorin har uppdaterats...";

# manage_proj_delete.php
$s_project_deleted_msg = "Projektet har tagits bort...";

# manage_proj_delete_page.php
$s_project_delete_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort det h�r projektet och ALLA dess �renden?!";
$s_project_delete_button = "Ta bort projektet";

# manage_proj_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_title = "Redigera projekt";
$s_project_name = "Projektnamn";
$s_view_status = "Visa status";
$s_public = "publik";
$s_private = "privat";
$s_update_project_button = "Uppdatera projekt";
$s_delete_project_button = "Ta bort projekt";
$s_categories_and_version_title = "Kategorier och versioner";
$s_categories = "Kategorier";
$s_add_category_button = "L�gg till kategori";
$s_versions = "Versioner";
$s_add_version_button = "L�gg till version";
$s_edit_link = "redigera";
$s_actions = "�ndringar";
$s_version = "Version/bygge";
$s_timestamp = "Tidsst�mpel";
$s_update = "Uppdatera";

# manage_proj_menu_page.php
$s_add_project_title = "L�gg till projekt";
$s_upload_file_path = "Katalog f�r uppskickade filer";
$s_add_project_button = "L�gg till projekt";
$s_projects_title = "Projekt";
$s_name = "Namn";

# manage_proj_update.php
$s_project_updated_msg = "Projektet har uppdaterats...";

# manage_proj_version_add.php
$s_version_added_msg = "La till version...";

# manage_proj_version_delete.php
$s_version_deleted_msg = "Tog bort version...";

# manage_proj_version_delete_page.php
$s_version_delete_sure = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort versionen? ALLA associerade �renden kommer att tas bort!!";
$s_delete_version_button = "Ta bort versionen";

# manage_proj_version_edit_page.php
$s_edit_project_version_title = "Redigera projekt-version";
$s_update_version_button = "Uppdatera version";

# manage_proj_version_update.php
$s_version_updated_msg = "Uppdaterade version...";

# manage_user_delete.php
$s_account_delete_protected_msg = "Kontot skyddat. Kan inte ta bort kontot.";
$s_account_deleted_msg = "Kontot borttaget...";

# manage_user_delete_page.php
$s_delete_account_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort kontot?";

# manage_user_prune.php
$s_accounts_pruned_msg = "Alla konton som aldrig loggat in och �r �ldre �n en vecka har tagits bort";
$s_prune_accounts_button = "Ta bort";
$s_confirm_account_pruning = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort �ldre konton som aldrig loggat in?";

# manage_user_page.php
$s_edit_user_title = "Redigera anv�ndarkonto";
$s_reset_password_button = "Nollst�ll l�senord";
$s_delete_user_button = "Ta bort kontot";
$s_reset_password_msg = "Nollst�ll l�senord s�tter ett slumpgenererat l�senord.";
$s_reset_password_msg2 = "Nollst�ll l�senordet s�tter ett tomt l�senord.";
$s_show_all_users = "ALL";

# manage_user_reset.php
$s_account_reset_protected_msg = "Kontot skyddat. Kan inte nollst�lla l�senordet.";
$s_account_reset_msg = "L�senordet nollst�llt...";
$s_account_reset_msg2 = "L�senordet �r tomt...";

# manage_user_update.php
$s_manage_user_protected_msg = "Kontot skyddat. Tillg�ngsniv� och aktivering skyddade. Ut�ver det har kontot uppdaterats...";
$s_manage_user_updated_msg = "Kontot uppdaterat...";

# menu_inc.php
$s_main_link = "Nyheter";
$s_view_bugs_link = "Lista";
$s_report_bug_link = "Skapa ny";
$s_summary_link = "Rapporter";
$s_account_link = "Dina inst�llningar";
$s_users_link = "R�ttigheter";
$s_manage_link = "Administrera";
$s_edit_news_link = "Redigera nyheter";
$s_docs_link = "Hj�lp";
$s_logout_link = "Logga ut";

# meta_inc.php

# news_add.php
$s_news_added_msg = "La till nyhet...";

# news_delete.php
$s_news_deleted_msg = "Tog bort nyhet...";

# news_delete_page.php
$s_delete_news_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort denna nyhet?";
$s_delete_news_item_button = "Ta bort nyhet";

# news_edit_page.php
$s_edit_news_title = "Redigera nyhet";
$s_headline = "Rubrik";
$s_body = "Kropp";
$s_update_news_button = "Uppdatera nyhet";

# news_menu_page.php
$s_add_news_title = "L�gg till nyhet";
$s_post_to = "Koppla till";
$s_post_news_button = "Spara nyhet";
$s_edit_or_delete_news_title = "Redigera eller ta bort nyhet";
$s_edit_post = "Redigera nyhet";
$s_delete_post = "Ta bort nyhet";
$s_select_post = "V�lj nyhet";

# news_update.php
$s_news_updated_msg = "Nyheten uppdaterad...";

# news_view_page.php
$s_back_link = "Tillbaka";

# proj_doc_add.php
$s_file_uploaded_msg = "Fil uppskickad";

# proj_doc_add_page.php
$s_upload_file_title = "Skicka upp fil";
$s_title = "Titel";

# proj_doc_delete.php
$s_project_file_deleted_msg = "Projektfil borttagen";

# proj_doc_delete_page.php
$s_confirm_file_delete_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort filen?";

# proj_doc_edit_page.php
$s_filename = "Filnamn";
$s_file_update_button = "Uppdatera fil";
$s_file_delete_button = "Ta bort fil";

# proj_doc_page.php
$s_project_documentation_title = "Projektdokumentation";
$s_user_documentation = "Anv�ndardokumentation";
$s_project_documentation = "Projektdokumentation";
$s_add_file = "L�gg till fil";

# proj_doc_update.php
$s_project_document_updated = "Uppdaterade projektet";

# proj_user_add.php
$s_project_user_added_msg = "La till anv�ndaren till projektet";

# proj_user_delete.php
$s_project_removed_user_msg = "Tog bort anv�ndaren fr�n projektet";

# proj_user_delete_page.php
$s_remove_user_sure_msg = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort anv�ndaren?";

# proj_user_menu_page.php
$s_add_user_title = "L�gg till anv�ndare till projektet";
$s_add_user_button = "L�gg till anv�ndarkonto";
$s_project_selection_title = "V�lj projekt";
$s_remove_link = "ta bort";

# proj_user_update.php
$s_updated_user_msg = "Uppdaterade anv�ndaren";

# report_add.php
$s_must_enter_category = "Du m�ste v�lja en kategori";
$s_must_enter_severity = "Du m�ste v�lja allvarlighetsgrad";
$s_must_enter_reproducibility = "Du m�ste v�lja reproducerbarhet";
$s_must_enter_summary = "Du m�ste skriva en sammanfattning";
$s_must_enter_description = "Du m�ste skriva en beskrivning";
$s_report_more_bugs = "Rapportera flera �renden";
$s_submission_thanks_msg = "Tack f�r din rapport";

# report_bug_advanced_page.php
$s_simple_report_link = "Enkel rapport";
$s_enter_report_details_title = "Ange rapport";
$s_required = "obligatoriskt";
$s_select_category = "V�lj kategori";
$s_select_reproducibility = "V�lj reproducerbarhet";
$s_select_severity = "V�lj allvarlighetsgrad";
$s_or_fill_in = "ELLER fyll i";
$s_assign_to = "Tilldela till";
$s_additional_information = "Ytterligare information";
$s_submit_report_button = "Skicka rapport";
$s_check_report_more_bugs = "kryssa i f�r att rapportera fler �renden";

# report_bug_page.php
$s_advanced_report_link = "Avancerad rapport";
$s_report_stay = "Forts�tt rapportera";

# set_project.php
$s_selected_project = "Valt projekt";
$s_valid_project_msg = "Du m�ste v�lja ett giltigt projekt";

# signup.php
$s_invalid_email = "�R INTE EN GILTIG EPOSTADRESS";
$s_duplicate_username = "�R REDAN UPPTAGET.  V�LJ ETT ANNAT KONTONAMN";
$s_account_create_fail = "GICK INTE ATT SKAPA KONTO";
$s_account_added = "La till kontot.";
$s_password_emailed_msg = "Ditt l�senord kommer att skickas till dig via epost.";
$s_no_reponse_msg = "Om du inte loggar in inom en vecka kan ditt konto tas bort.";

# signup_page.php
$s_signup_info = "V�lj kontonamn och ange en giltig epost-adress.  Ett slumpvis genererat l�senord kommer att skickas till din adress..";
$s_signup_title = "Skapa ett anv�ndarkonto";
$s_signup_button = "Skapa kontot";

# site_settings_edit_page.php
$s_edit_site_settings_title = "Redigera globala inst�llningar";
$s_save_settings_button = "Spara inst�llningar";

# site_settings_page.php
$s_site_settings_title = "Globala inst�llningar";
$s_system_info_link = "Systeminfo";
$s_site_settings_link = "Globala inst�llningar";

# site_settings_update.php
$s_site_settings_updated_msg = "Uppdaterade globala inst�llningar";

# summary_page.php
$s_summary_title = "Sammanfattning";
$s_summary_jpgraph_link = "Avancerad sammanfattning";
$s_by_project = "projekt";
$s_by_status = "status";
$s_by_date = "datum (dagar)";
$s_by_severity = "allvarlighetsgrad";
$s_by_resolution = "resolution";
$s_by_category = "kategori";
$s_by_priority = "prioritet";
$s_by_developer = "utvecklare";
$s_by_reporter ="rapporterare";
$s_reporter_by_resolution = "Rapporterare per l�st";
$s_reporter_effectiveness = "Rapporterareffektivitet";
$s_developer_by_resolution = "Utvecklare per l�st";
$s_percentage_fixed = "% Fixade";
$s_percentage_errors = "% Falska";
$s_errors = "Falska";
$s_total = "Total";
$s_time_stats = "tidsstatistik f�r l�sta �renden(dagar)";
$s_longest_open_bug = "l�ngsta �ppna �rende";
$s_longest_open = "l�ngsta �ppna";
$s_average_time = "tid i snitt";
$s_total_time = "total tid";
$s_developer_stats = "utvecklarstatistik";
$s_reporter_stats = "rapporterarstatistik";
$s_orct = "(�ppna/l�sta/st�ngda/totalt)";

# view_all_bug_page.php
$s_any = "alla";
$s_show = "Visa";
$s_changed = "�ndrad(timmar)";
$s_viewing_bugs_title = "Visa �renden";
$s_updated = "Uppdaterad";

# view_all_inc.php
$s_none = "ingen";
$s_search ="S�k";
$s_view_prev_link = "Visa f�reg�ende";
$s_view_next_link = "Visa n�sta";
$s_prev = "F�reg�ende";
$s_next = "N�sta";
$s_first = "F�rsta";
$s_last = "Sista";

# view_bug_advanced_page.php
$s_view_simple_link = "Visa enkel";
$s_viewing_bug_advanced_details_title = "Visar �rende, avancerad";
$s_product_build = "Produktbygge";
$s_system_profile = "Systembeskrivning";
$s_update_bug_button = "Uppdatera �rende";
$s_bug_assign_to_button = "Tilldela till:";
$s_reopen_bug_button = "�ter�ppna �rende";
$s_attached_files = "Associerade filer";
$s_publish = "Publicera";
$s_cached = "Cachad";

# view_bug_inc.php

# view_bug_page.php
$s_view_advanced_link = "Visa avancerad";
$s_viewing_bug_simple_details_title = "Visar �rende, enkel";

# bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php
$s_no_users_monitoring_bug = "Inga anv�ndare �vervakar detta �rende.";
$s_users_monitoring_bug = "Anv�ndare som �vervakar detta �rende";
$s_monitoring_user_list = "Anv�ndarlista";

# custom field strings
$s_add_custom_field_button = "Nytt skr�ddarsytt f�lt";
$s_delete_custom_field_button = "Ta bort skr�ddarsytt f�lt";
$s_delete_custom_field_everywhere = "Ta bort skr�ddarsytt f�lt �verallt";
$s_update_custom_field_button = "Uppdatera skr�darsytt f�lt";
$s_add_existing_custom_field = "L�gg till existerande skr�ddarsytt f�lt";
$s_edit_custom_field_title = "Redigera skr�ddarsytt f�lt";
$s_custom_field = "F�lt";
$s_custom_fields_setup = "Skr�ddarsydda f�lt";
$s_custom_field_name = "Namn";
$s_custom_field_project_count = "Projektr�knare";
$s_custom_field_type = "Typ";
$s_custom_field_possible_values = "M�jliga v�rden";
$s_custom_field_default_value = "F�rvalt v�rde";
$s_custom_field_valid_regexp = "Regulj�rt uttryck";
$s_custom_field_access_level_r = "L�sr�ttighet";
$s_custom_field_access_level_rw = "Skrivr�ttighet";
$s_custom_field_length_min = "Min. l�ngd";
$s_custom_field_length_max = "Max. l�ngd";
$s_custom_field_advanced = "Avancerad";
$s_custom_field_sequence = "Serie";
$s_custom_field_type_enum_string = "0:Str�ng,1:Numerisk,2:Flyttal,3:Uppr�kning,4:Epost";

$s_confirm_used_custom_field_deletion = "Detta f�lt �r f�r n�rvarande l�nkat till �tminstone ett projekt.  Om du forts�tter kommer alla v�rden f�r dett f�lt att tas bort permanent.  Denna �tg�rd kan inte �ngras.  Om du inte vill ta bort detta f�lt, tryck Back i din bl�ddrare.  F�r att forts�tta, tryck p� knappen nedan";
$s_confirm_custom_field_deletion = "�r du s�ker p� att du vill ta bort detta skr�ddarsydda f�lt och alla aAre you sure you want to delete this custom field and all associerade v�rden?";
$s_field_delete_button = "Ta bort f�lt";

$s_hide_status = "G�m status";
$s_filter_closed = "st�ngda";
$s_filter_resolved = "l�sta";

$s_attachments = "bilagor";
$s_attachment_alt = "A";

# PHPMailer
$s_phpmailer_language = "en";
strings_swedish.txt (37,558 bytes)   


has duplicate 0003153 closedvboctor Change the word 'bug' to 'issue' 
has duplicate 0003466 closedvboctor Changing "error/bug"-strings to "entry" 
has duplicate 0003551 closedvboctor consider more the nessecities in the design process 




2002-11-18 14:18

reporter   ~0003494

much of this will be available (probably in 0.18.1) when we get cutom fields working. You'll be able to add whatever fields you want- so you can add a reporter field and a estimated time field. You won't be able to remove fields, however... would it be acceptable to ignore the fields that don't apply? I'm not sure how easy it would be to remove severity, for example... particularly since people have existing databases with those stored in them.

Might be doable, though... (definitely post-0.18)



2002-11-20 00:15

updater   ~0003502

Last edited: 2002-11-20 00:18

Adding custom fields and making it possible to make some fields invisible should be a really good feature because of the different ways companies use this excellent product.

However, custom fields has its dangers, read more here:
<a href=""></a>

My vote is still to implement it, there's no protection for stupidity! :)

<a href="" target="_new"></a>

edited on: 11-20 00:18



2002-11-20 07:15

reporter   ~0003506

I tend to agree with the folks at Joel Software. Reducing the number of fields is good, reducing the number of required fields is good, reducing the number of custom fields is good. Each of these will increase the number of bugs reported.

As far as removing fields I don't think you should allow it. The screens should be setup so that those fields are not displayed. Ideally the whole fields required/not required thing would be set up in a template that defined how you were going to use the system.



2002-11-24 12:54

reporter   ~0003516

An interesting article and it is true to a point. However I don't mind allowing people to shoot themselves in the foot... that's their problem. The problem is, this is open source and if people want the fields, they just add the fields anyway. And then it makes it harder for them to upgrade. So by adding custom fields, they can do what they would do anyway but with a cleaner upgrade path.

Plus there are fields that I want to add (like "fix for version:") which do not need to be entered by the reporter but are used for categorization. These types of fields are very useful, allowing you to categorize and sort issue, and vary from location to location in how they need to work.



2002-11-26 01:35

updater   ~0003522

  • New custom fields
  • Possibility to decide which fields should be visible or invisible on a project level. (Web projects might not need platform, OS etc., but many other do).

<a href="" target="_new"></a>
(Can I get a user please? :)



2003-03-20 15:54

reporter   ~0004017

I like to treat bugs and feature requests exactly the same - often reports fall into a grey area between the two (is this a bug or a missing feature?).



2003-03-21 15:04

reporter   ~0004022

I agree with AJCartmell -- I have simply gone into my language file for Mantis and changed every instance of the word "bug" to "CR" meaning "Change Request." (Also, of course, I've changed the list of "severity" terms and removed things like "feature".) In our situation, deciding whether something is a bug or a feature often comes down to fault-finding between whoever designed the spec, the programmer involved, and whoever's complaining.

Other times, even when something is clearly a bug or clearly a feature request, it is often true that a bug may not be worth fixing (significant risk to code stability and the bug only makes a tiny difference to a tiny proportion of users) whereas a feature request may be trivial to implement and makes the product twice as valueable to all users. In this case why in the world should the trivial bug appear to have a higher priority than the feature request?

When it comes down to it, it really doesn't make much difference whether it's a bug or a feature request. What's important are just two things: to what degree solving the problem will improve the product, and what the cost will be make the change. These two things are worthwhile to research and discuss and prioritize -- "is it a bug vs. is it a feature request" debates are just a good reason to bicker and sulk. -Steve (PS: apologies if this is too ranty for a bugnote.)



2003-03-22 11:10

reporter   ~0004026

Mantis developer: I think instead of the word "Bug", we should use the word "Issue" instead.

Many times, people are requesting feature requests, which are not "bugs", but they can be classified as "issues".



2003-03-22 16:05

reporter   ~0004029

Mantis is many things to many people. For some, it's a "Ticketing" system, for others, an "Issue Tracker", for others, "Change Request" application. For me, it's a tool for project maintenance, which includes bugs, feature requests, and other items.

I still view a "feature request" as "bug", but in a different context. It is something that a user feels could be advantageous to the project, therefore it "bugs" him that it isn't there. </rimshot>

Seriously though, be aware that this is OSS, and as such, you can change it to suit your needs. With commercial versions of similar products, you may not have that flexibility. This is one the the main reasons I chose, and still choose to use Mantis, after evaluating about 20 other bugtracker/issue tracker applications.

Keep up the great work team.



2003-04-23 00:31

reporter   ~0004238

I'm beginning to lean towards using the term "issue" instead of "bug" myself. I actually have a patch to do it because I had to do it at work. I'd be interested to hear other developers' viewpoints. The term seems more generic and less negatively charged than "bug".



2003-04-23 02:11

manager   ~0004241

I agree that the term "bug" is not the best choice. I think "Issue" or "Change Request" are better choices. For software projects, I think "Change Request" might be my preferred option, but for ticketing systems (who use Mantis), "Issue" is the way to go.

To cut the long story short, following are my preferences:

  1. Be able to define the term, so in custom_strings_inc.php, the webmaster can specify the term, and it should be picked up by all the strings that has a token like XXX. So "Report XXX" gets replaced with "Report Issue" or "Report Change Request". We can also have a token for a short form eg "xxx" gets replace with "CR" instead of "Change Request".
  2. The second and simpler option is to use the term "Issue" rather than "Bug". (i.e. Julian can apply his patch).


2003-04-23 10:40

reporter   ~0004246

Last edited: 2003-04-23 10:42

We took the "terms" based approach Victor described. We found that you had to change a number of related terms as a set rather thanly just globally replace "bug".

The top of our strings files defines the default terms:

Define some basic terms used in the other strings

$s_bug = "Bug";
$s_bugs = "Bugs";
$s_a_bug = "a bug";
$s_bug_note = "Bug Note";
$s_bug_notes = "Bug Notes";</pre>

We modified the stings files to contain strings like:

$s_email_bugnote_msg = "A $s_bug_note has been added to this $s_bug.";
$s_email_resolved_msg = "The following $s_bug has been resolved.";
$s_resolution_enum_string = "<snip>70:not $s_a_bug,<snip>";

This allowed us to then switch terms thus:

switch ($g_bug_term) {
case "Issue":
$s_bug = "Issue";
$s_bugs = "Issues";
$s_a_bug = "an issue";
$s_bug_note = "Note";
$s_bug_notes = "Notes";

Note: we did a mod to set $g_bug_term based on a project so that we have Mantis tracking development "issues", project "risks", help desk "requests" etc. depending on the project selected.

edited on: 04-23-03 10:42



2003-04-24 02:51

manager   ~0004247

I guess bevindarkgun has highlighted the magnitude of the work, but I have a feeling that this approach will not work well with multi-lingual support.

bevindarkgun, do you support multiple languages in your installation?



2003-04-24 09:42

reporter   ~0004252

Correct, vboctor, if these items are defined in the main mantis configuration (do not know the right name [was config_inc*.php in 0.17.x], because of not using mantis alpha release yet).

As a result these items must be put into the language files and translated correctly for every supported language.



2003-04-25 21:31

reporter   ~0004267

Last edited: 2003-04-25 21:34

We haven't translated the terms but the approach was designed so as not to break or prevent this being done ie. you can switch to german but you still get "Fehler" not whatever is german for "issue".

This works because the previously posted mods are from our "strings_english.txt" file not the "config_inc.php" - I can send you the file if you like.

Each language file can define it's own set of terms or it can just leave the translations as they are now eg. the whole bug/issue argument may not be applicable depending on the language. In the french the translation "bugnote" is already just generically "note" and hence doesn't need to define $s_bug_note as a term.

Here's my ham-fisted attempt at an example for "strings_french.txt":

Déterminer quelques-unes fondamental les terms utilisée dans les autre Fichier

$s_bug = "bug";
$s_a_bug = "un bug";

switch ($g_bug_term) {
case "Issue":
$s_bug = "probléme";
$s_a_bug = "une probléme";
$s_email_bugnote_msg = "Une note a été ajoutée pour ce $s_bug..";
$s_email_resolved_msg = "Le suivant $s_bug a été résolu.";
$s_resolution_enum_string = "<tondre>70:pas $s_a_bug,<tondre>";

edited on: 04-25-03 21:34



2003-09-03 12:22

reporter   ~0004606

IMHO a feature can be a bug in the design(category) of the project.
There are some guys working on design, isn't it? Why they should not receive bugs ;-)



2004-04-22 21:53

reporter   ~0005418

I must second what "ed" said above, that the terminology BUG should be changed to the more general term ISSUE. In fact, I've made that global change throughout my own Mantis site (easy to do), and have found it quite satisfying.

A rose by any other name, I suppose...



2004-04-23 15:28

reporter   ~0005427

I like "issue" too.

In a similar vein, we have had problems with the title BugTracker so we just use "Tracker" instead (the $g_window_title and $g_page_title in config_inc.php and in the localization string you use). We have a Support department and a Development department (like most sofware development companies, I'm sure) and the label "bug" or "feature" carries quite a different connotation in each.



2004-04-23 22:02

manager   ~0005430

I attached strings_english.txt which is based on the latest CVS version of the file with the following modifications:

  • Bug -> Issue
  • Bug Tracker -> Issue Tracker
  • Bugnotes -> Notes

I didn't commit the change yet, but I just wanted to get some feedback. Although this won't make Mantis a true Issue Tracker yet, but it is a step in the right direction.



2004-04-24 13:36

reporter   ~0005433

Last edited: 2004-04-24 13:38

I actually have modified a lot of the strings and some of the code to make Mantis a 'job tracker'. I work in database marketing and am using Mantis on our intranet for our SEs to track their requests. The logic and programming behind Mantis is solid and very flexible. Making Mantis a bug tracker, issue tracker, development tracker, etc. seems very possible. I think there needs to be some additional programming (and I'm working on some) where Mantis can also be used for process flow and job flow. I would recommend these improvements:
a. Bugs (issues, jobs, etc.) can be entered ON BEHALF of requesters. That way the requester still owns the issue but can check progress.
b. Bugs can be assigned to multiple people (sub-issues?). Ie. a bug may require a database modification and gui recode. Once the 2 are assigned and completed - then the bug can be closed.
c. Bugs can be 'flowed'. Example: There may be serveral tasks involved in correcting a bug...

  1. A support person may verify the bug, document it, and send it to the programmer.
  2. The programmer corrects.
  3. A QA person tests the correction.
  4. Documentation is updated.
  5. A bug fix or release is compiled.

All of this process may require different departments and people. After a bug is requested, it gets assigned to 1. After 1 verifies and 'closes' their task, it gets reassigned to 2. After 2 verifies, etc. The process should allow for forward and reverse flow.

Adding this and expanding the language file would allow Mantis to be any process flow and tracking application... from a manufacturing job to a bug tracking software.

I would also recommend expanding the design specs to allow 'branding'. I think 'Powered by Mantis' should be a mandatory on every footer... but 'branding' would allow users to call this whatever they want.

Just my thoughts. It's a great project and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

edited on: 04-24-04 13:38



2004-05-19 11:00

reporter   ~0005545

I was the original poster of this "bug". I have now ditched the idea of having Mantis BEHAVE differently when entering a "feature" instead of a "bug". I have instead solved it, as many others write here, by renaming all instances of "bug" with "issue" (and fixing the grammar).

I think this is the easiest and most generic solution. (Having variables for bug, bugs, the_bug etc will mess things up for some languages, so it's probably better just to update all language files). I can help with the Swedish...



2004-05-19 18:29

manager   ~0005547

Sire, in CVS we already changed the term "Bug" to "Issue" and "Bugnote" to "Note". So it will be great if you get the latest swedish file from CVS and send the update to



2004-05-26 05:07

reporter   ~0005591

Sorry but I don't have the time for this (too busy at work), but here the Swedish language file we're using if it's of any help. (Do a diff, there are other small changes, grammatical errors etc).

File is attached.



2004-11-08 19:06

reporter   ~0008293

isn't this bug already fixed? (or at least we should list here the language files that weren't fixed yet)



2004-11-09 17:22

reporter   ~0008311

I tend to agree - the bulk of this issue is fixed. That is, 'bug' has been changed to 'issue' etc.

I think any remaining items/areas that people still need looking at should be raised as new issues.
