-- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_file_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_file_table ( id serial, bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bug_id >= 0), title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', description varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', diskfile varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', filename varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', folder varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', filesize integer NOT NULL default '0', file_type varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', date_added timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', content bytea NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_file_table_bug_id_idx ON mantis_bug_file_table(bug_id); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_file_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_history_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_history_table ( id serial, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bug_id >= 0), date_modified timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', field_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', old_value varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', new_value varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', type smallint NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_history_table_bug_id_idx ON mantis_bug_history_table(bug_id); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_history_table_user_id_idx ON mantis_bug_history_table(user_id); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_history_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_monitor_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_monitor_table ( user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bug_id >= 0), PRIMARY KEY (user_id,bug_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_monitor_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_relationship_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_relationship_table ( id serial, source_bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (source_bug_id >= 0), destination_bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (destination_bug_id >= 0), relationship_type smallint NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_relationship_table_source_bug_id_idx ON mantis_bug_relationship_table(source_bug_id); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_relationship_table_destination_bug_id_idx ON mantis_bug_relationship_table(destination_bug_id); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_relationship_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_table ( id serial, project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), reporter_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (reporter_id >= 0), handler_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (handler_id >= 0), duplicate_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (duplicate_id >= 0), priority smallint NOT NULL default '30', severity smallint NOT NULL default '50', reproducibility smallint NOT NULL default '10', status smallint NOT NULL default '10', resolution smallint NOT NULL default '10', projection smallint NOT NULL default '10', category varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', date_submitted timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', last_updated timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', eta smallint NOT NULL default '10', bug_text_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bug_text_id >= 0), os varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', os_build varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', platform varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', version varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', fixed_in_version varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', build varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', profile_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (profile_id >= 0), view_state smallint NOT NULL default '10', summary varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', sponsorship_total integer NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_table_sponsorship_total_idx ON mantis_bug_table(sponsorship_total); CREATE INDEX mantis_bug_table_fixed_in_version_idx ON mantis_bug_table(fixed_in_version); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bug_text_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bug_text_table ( id serial, description text NOT NULL, steps_to_reproduce text NOT NULL, additional_information text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bug_text_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bugnote_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bugnote_table ( id serial, bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bug_id >= 0), reporter_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (reporter_id >= 0), bugnote_text_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (bugnote_text_id >= 0), view_state smallint NOT NULL default '10', date_submitted timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', last_modified timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', note_type integer default '0', note_attr varchar(250) default '', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bugnote_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_bugnote_text_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_bugnote_text_table ( id serial, note text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_bugnote_text_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_custom_field_project_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_custom_field_project_table ( field_id integer NOT NULL default '0', project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK(project_id >= 0), sequence smallint NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (field_id,project_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_custom_field_project_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_custom_field_string_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_custom_field_string_table ( field_id integer NOT NULL default '0', bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0', value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (field_id,bug_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_custom_field_string_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_custom_field_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_custom_field_table ( id serial, name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', type smallint NOT NULL default '0', possible_values varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', default_value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', valid_regexp varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', access_level_r smallint NOT NULL default '0', access_level_rw smallint NOT NULL default '0', length_min integer NOT NULL default '0', length_max integer NOT NULL default '0', advanced integer NOT NULL default '0', require_report smallint NOT NULL default '0', require_update smallint NOT NULL default '0', display_report smallint NOT NULL default '1', display_update smallint NOT NULL default '1', require_resolved smallint NOT NULL default '0', display_resolved smallint NOT NULL default '0', display_closed smallint NOT NULL default '0', require_closed smallint NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_custom_field_table_name_idx ON mantis_custom_field_table(name); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_custom_field_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_filters_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_filters_table ( id serial, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', project_id integer NOT NULL default '0', is_public smallint default NULL, name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', filter_string text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_filters_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_news_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_news_table ( id serial, project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), poster_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (poster_id >= 0), date_posted timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', last_modified timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', view_state smallint NOT NULL default '10', announcement smallint NOT NULL default '0', headline varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', body text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_news_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_project_category_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_project_category_table ( project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), category varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), PRIMARY KEY (project_id,category) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_project_category_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_project_file_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_project_file_table ( id serial, project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', description varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', diskfile varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', filename varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', folder varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', filesize integer NOT NULL default '0', file_type varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', date_added timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', content bytea NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_project_file_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_project_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_project_table ( id serial, name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '' UNIQUE, status smallint NOT NULL default '10', enabled smallint NOT NULL default '1', view_state smallint NOT NULL default '10', access_min smallint NOT NULL default '10', file_path varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', description text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_project_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_project_user_list_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_project_user_list_table ( project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), access_level smallint NOT NULL default '10', PRIMARY KEY (project_id,user_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_project_user_list_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_project_version_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_project_version_table ( id serial, project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), version varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', date_order timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', description text NOT NULL, released smallint NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mantis_project_version_table_project_id_version_idx_uq ON mantis_project_version_table (project_id,version); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_project_version_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_sponsorship_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_sponsorship_table ( id serial, bug_id integer NOT NULL default '0', user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', amount integer NOT NULL default '0', logo varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', url varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', paid smallint NOT NULL default '0', date_submitted timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', last_updated timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX mantis_sponsorship_table_bug_id_idx ON mantis_sponsorship_table(bug_id); CREATE INDEX mantis_sponsorship_table_user_id_idx ON mantis_sponsorship_table(user_id); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_sponsorship_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_upgrade_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_upgrade_table ( upgrade_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (upgrade_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_upgrade_table` -- INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-1', 'Add mantis_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-2', 'Insert default project into mantis_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-3', 'Add mantis_project_category_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-4', 'Add mantis_project_version_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-5', 'Add project_id column to mantis_bug_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-6', 'Change category column in mantis_bug_table to varchar'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-7', 'Change version column in mantis_bug_table to varchar'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-8', 'Set project_id to "0000001" for all bugs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-9', 'Add project_id column news table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-10', 'Set project_id to "0000001" for all news postings'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-11', 'Added login count to user table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-12', 'Add manager to access_levels'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-13', 'Make username unique'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-0', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-1', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-2', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-7', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-8', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-9', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-0', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-1', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-2', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-3', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-4', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-5', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-6', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-7', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-8', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-9', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-10', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-11', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-12', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-13', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-14', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-15', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-16', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-17', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-18', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-19', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-20', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-21', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-22', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-23', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-24', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-25', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-26', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-27', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-28', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-29', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-30', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-31', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-32', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-33', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-34', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-35', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-36', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-37', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-38', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-39', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-40', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-41', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-42', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-43', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-44', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-45', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-46', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-47', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-48', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-49', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-50', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-51', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-52', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-53', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-54', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-55', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-56', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-57', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-58', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-59', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-60', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-61', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-62', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-63', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-64', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-65', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-66', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-67', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-68', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-69', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-70', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-71', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-72', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-73', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-74', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-75', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-76', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-77', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-78', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-79', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-80', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-81', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-82', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-83', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-84', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-85', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-86', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-87', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-88', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-89', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-90', 'Shorten cookie string to 64 characters'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-91', 'Add file_path to projects'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-92', 'Add access_min to projects'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-93', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-94', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-95', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-96', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-97', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-98', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-99', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-100', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-101', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-102', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-103', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-104', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-105', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-106', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-107', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-108', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-109', 'Make new project level user access table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-110', 'Make new project file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-111', 'Make new bug file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-112', 'more varchar to enum conversions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-113', 'more varchar to enum conversions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-114', 'Need this entry for the project listing to work'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-115', 'Add ordering field for versions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-116', 'Make the cookie string unique'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-1', 'Add file type column to bug file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-2', 'Add file type column to project file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-7', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-8', 'Create bug history table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-9', 'Add order field to project version table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-1', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-2', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-7', 'Add view_state to bug table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-8', 'Add view_state to bugnote table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-9', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-10', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-11', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-12', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-13', 'Add project_id to user pref table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-14', 'Create bug relationship table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-15', 'Create bug monitor table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-1', 'Printing Preference Table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-2', 'Bug history'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-3', 'Auto-assigning of bugs for a default user per category'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-4', 'Private news support'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-5', 'Allow news items to stay at the top'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-6', 'relationship support'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-custom-field-1', 'Add mantis_custom_field_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-custom-field-2', 'Add mantis_custom_field_string_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-custom-field-3', 'Add mantis_custom_field_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-7', 'Drop mantis_project_customization_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-8', 'Drop votes column of mantis_bug_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-9', 'Add primary key on mantis_project_version_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-10', 'Add primary key on mantis_project_user_list_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-11', 'Add primary key on mantis_project_category_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-12', 'Add primary key on mantis_bug_monitor_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-13', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_file_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-14', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_file_table.bug_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-15', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_history_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-16', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_history_table.bug_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-17', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_monitor_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-18', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_relationship_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-19', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-20', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-21', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-22', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-23', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.reporter_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-24', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.handler_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-25', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.duplicate_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-26', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.bug_text_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-27', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_table.profile_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-28', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bug_text_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-29', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bugnote_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-30', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bugnote_table.bug_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-31', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bugnote_table.reporter_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-32', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bugnote_table.bugnote_text_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-33', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_bugnote_text_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-34', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_news_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-35', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_news_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-36', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_news_table.poster_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-37', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_category_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-38', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_file_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-39', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_file_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-40', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-41', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_user_list_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-42', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_user_list_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-43', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_project_version_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-44', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_pref_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-45', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_pref_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-46', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_pref_table.project_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-47', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_pref_table.default_profile'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-48', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_pref_table.default_project'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-49', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_print_pref_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-50', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_profile_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-51', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_profile_table.user_id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-jf-52', 'Remove zerofill on mantis_user_table.id'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-1', 'Set default for mantis_bug_file_table.date_added (incorrect for 0.15 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-2', 'Correct values for mantis_bug_file_table.date_added (incorrect for 0.15 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-3', 'Set default for mantis_project_file_table.date_added (incorrect for 0.15 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-4', 'Correct values for mantis_project_file_table.date_added (incorrect for 0.15 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-5', 'Set default for mantis_bug_table.build (incorrect for 0.16 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-6', 'Correct values for mantis_bug_table.build (incorrect for 0.16 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-7', 'Set default for mantis_user_table.date_created (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-8', 'Correct values for mantis_user_table.date_created (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-9', 'Set default for mantis_project_table.enabled to 1 (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-10', 'Set default for mantis_news_table.date_posted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-11', 'Correct values for mantis_news_table.date_posted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-12', 'Set default for mantis_bug_table.date_submitted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-13', 'Correct values for mantis_bug_table.date_submitted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-14', 'Set default for mantis_bugnote_table.date_submitted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-15', 'Correct values for mantis_bugnote_table.date_submitted (incorrect for < 0.17 installs)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-16', 'Add unique index to cookie_string if it is not already there (incorrect for > 0.14)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-17', 'Remove mantis_project_version_table.ver_order (incorrect for < 0.15)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-compat-18', 'Remove users from project 0'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-1', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_bug_file_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-2', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_bug_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-3', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_bug_text_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-4', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_bugnote_text_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-5', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_news_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-6', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_project_file_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-7', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-8', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_user_profile_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.17-vb-19', 'Add id field to bug history table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-9', 'Fix double escaped data in mantis_bug_history_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('escaping-fix-10', 'Remove history entries where type=0 and the old value = new value. These existed because of escaping errors'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.18-vb-1', 'Add index on bug_id field in mantis_bug_file_table.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('filtersdb-1', 'Add mantis_filters_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('emailsevs-1', 'Add the necessary columns for email severity filtering'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('sponsorship-1', 'Add sponsorships table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('sponsorship-2', 'Add sponsorship_total to bug table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('sponsorship-3', 'Add an index on sponsorship_total in bug table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('fixed_in_version-1', 'Add fixed_in_version field to bug table.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('fixed_in_version-2', 'Add index on fixed_in_version field in bug table.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('user_realname', 'Add real name to user information.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-1', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-2', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-3', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-4', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-5', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-6', 'Allow custom fields to be set/required for resolve/close/report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('version_remove_pk', 'Remove project_id+version primary key'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('version_add_version_', 'Add id to version table and use it as primary key'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('version_add_project_', 'Add a unique index for project_id + version combination.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('version_add_descript', 'Add description field to versions.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('version_add_released', 'Add released flag to determine whether the version was released or still a future release.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('relationship-1', 'Add index on source_bug_id field in mantis_bug_relationship_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('relationship-2', 'Add index on destination_bug_id field in mantis_bug_relationship_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('relationship-3', 'Translate duplicate id information in a new duplicate relationship'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('relationship-4', 'Fix swapped value in duplicate relationship'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('cat_user_id_unsigned', 'Change the user_id in mantis_project_category_table to unsigned int.'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-7', 'Allow custom fields to be hidden/displayed for report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-8', 'Allow custom fields to be hidden/displayed for report/update'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-9', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-10', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-11', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-12', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-13', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-14', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-15', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-16', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-17', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-18', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-19', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('custom_fields-20', 'Rename Column'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('lost-password', 'Add the necessary columns for managing lost passwords'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('delete-admin-over', 'Delete any project level access overrides for admin users'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.18-bugnote-limit', 'Add email_bugnote_limit to user preference table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.18-bugnote-order', 'Add bugnote_order to user preference table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('cb_ml_upgrade', 'Upgrade custom field types (checkbox, list, multilist) to support advanced filtering'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('bugnote-type', 'Add note type column to bugnote'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('bugnote-attr', 'Add note_attr column to bugnote'); -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_user_pref_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_user_pref_table ( id serial, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), project_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (project_id >= 0), default_profile integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (default_profile >= 0), default_project integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (default_project >= 0), advanced_report smallint NOT NULL default '0', advanced_view smallint NOT NULL default '0', advanced_update smallint NOT NULL default '0', refresh_delay integer NOT NULL default '0', redirect_delay smallint NOT NULL default '0', bugnote_order varchar(4) NOT NULL default 'ASC', email_on_new smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_assigned smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_feedback smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_resolved smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_closed smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_reopened smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_bugnote smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_status smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_priority smallint NOT NULL default '0', email_on_priority_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_status_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_bugnote_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_reopened_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_closed_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_resolved_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_feedback_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_assigned_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_on_new_minimum_severity varchar(3) NOT NULL default '10', email_bugnote_limit smallint NOT NULL default '0', language varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'english', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_user_pref_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_user_print_pref_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_user_print_pref_table ( user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), print_pref varchar(27) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_user_print_pref_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_user_profile_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_user_profile_table ( id serial, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0' CHECK (user_id >= 0), platform varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', os varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', os_build varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', description text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_user_profile_table` -- -- -- Table structure for table `mantis_user_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_user_table ( id serial, username varchar(32) NOT NULL default '' UNIQUE, realname varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', email varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', password varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', date_created timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', last_visit timestamp NOT NULL default '1970-01-01 00:00:01', enabled smallint NOT NULL default '1', protected smallint NOT NULL default '0', access_level smallint NOT NULL default '10', login_count integer NOT NULL default '0', lost_password_in_progress_count smallint NOT NULL default '0', failed_login_count smallint NOT NULL default '0', cookie_string varchar(64) NOT NULL default '' UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_user_table` -- INSERT INTO mantis_user_table(username, realname, email, password, date_created, last_visit, enabled, protected, access_level, login_count, lost_password_in_progress_count, failed_login_count, cookie_string) VALUES ('administrator', '', 'admin', '63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845', '2003-02-16 02:03:48', '2004-07-08 23:59:22', 1, 1, 90, 3, 0, 0, MD5(RANDOM()) || MD5(NOW()));