-- -- Table structure for table `mantis_upgrade_table` -- CREATE TABLE mantis_upgrade_table ( upgrade_id char(20) NOT NULL default '', description char(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (upgrade_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; -- -- Dumping data for table `mantis_upgrade_table` -- INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-1', 'Add mantis_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-2', 'Insert default project into mantis_project_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-3', 'Add mantis_project_category_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-4', 'Add mantis_project_version_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-5', 'Add project_id column to mantis_bug_table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-6', 'Change category column in mantis_bug_table to varchar'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-7', 'Change version column in mantis_bug_table to varchar'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-8', 'Set project_id to "0000001" for all bugs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-9', 'Add project_id column news table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-10', 'Set project_id to "0000001" for all news postings'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-11', 'Added login count to user table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-12', 'Add manager to access_levels'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.13-13', 'Make username unique'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-0', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-1', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-2', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-7', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-8', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14a-9', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-0', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-1', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-2', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-3', 'Change some of the TIMESTAMP fields to DATETIME'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-4', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-5', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-6', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-7', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-8', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-9', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-10', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-11', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-12', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-13', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-14', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-15', 'INT(1) Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-16', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-17', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-18', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-19', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-20', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-21', 'Change CHAR(3) to INT(1)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-22', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-23', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-24', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-25', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-26', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-27', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-28', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-29', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-30', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-31', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-32', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-33', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-34', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-35', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-36', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-37', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-38', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-39', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-40', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-41', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-42', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-43', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-44', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-45', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-46', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-47', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-48', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-49', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-50', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-51', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-52', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-53', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-54', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-55', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-56', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-57', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-58', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-59', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-60', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-61', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-62', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-63', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-64', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-65', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-66', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-67', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-68', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-69', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-70', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-71', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-72', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-73', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-74', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-75', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-76', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-77', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-78', 'ENUM Updates (Before ALTERation)'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-79', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-80', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-81', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-82', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-83', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-84', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-85', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-86', 'Change ENUM to INT'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-87', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-88', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-89', 'Update dates to be legal'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-90', 'Shorten cookie string to 64 characters'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-91', 'Add file_path to projects'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-92', 'Add access_min to projects'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-93', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-94', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-95', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-96', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-97', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-98', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-99', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-100', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-101', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-102', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-103', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-104', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-105', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-106', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-107', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-108', 'Add new user prefs'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-109', 'Make new project level user access table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-110', 'Make new project file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-111', 'Make new bug file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-112', 'more varchar to enum conversions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-113', 'more varchar to enum conversions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-114', 'Need this entry for the project listing to work'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-115', 'Add ordering field for versions'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.14-116', 'Make the cookie string unique'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-1', 'Add file type column to bug file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-2', 'Add file type column to project file table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-7', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-8', 'Create bug history table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.15-9', 'Add order field to project version table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-1', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-2', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-3', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-4', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-5', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-6', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-7', 'Add view_state to bug table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-8', 'Add view_state to bugnote table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-9', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-10', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-11', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-12', ''); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-13', 'Add project_id to user pref table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-14', 'Create bug relationship table'); INSERT INTO mantis_upgrade_table VALUES ('0.16-15', 'Create bug monitor table');